7 phrases a narcissist will use to manipulate the conversation in their favor

I’ve always believed in the power of words. They can inspire, comfort, and yes – even manipulate.

Ever found yourself caught up in a conversation that you just can’t seem to get a handle on?

You might not realize it, but you could be dealing with a narcissist. These individuals are masters of twisting words and steering conversations to suit their needs.

So, how do you spot a narcissist in action? Well, it’s all about the phrases they use.

There are certain expressions that narcissists love to throw around. They use these cleverly-designed phrases to subtly manipulate the conversation in their favor.

In this article, we’ll be diving into seven phrases a narcissist will use to manipulate the conversation.

Understanding these phrases can give you the upper hand. It can help you spot manipulation as it happens and give you the tools you need to maintain control of the dialogue.

Remember, knowledge is power! So, let’s get started.

1) “I’m not being defensive, you’re just overreacting”

Let’s kick things off with this classic line.

Narcissists are experts at flipping the script. They have a knack for turning the tables and making you question your own perceptions. This phrase is a prime example of that.

“I’m not being defensive, you’re just overreacting” – sounds familiar?

This is a diversion tactic. A narcissist uses it to shift the focus from their behavior to your reaction. Instead of addressing the issue at hand, they make you feel as if you’re the one causing drama.

By doing this, they manage to evade accountability and manipulate you into feeling guilty. It’s a cunning method that often leaves others doubting their own emotions and reactions.

Next time you hear this phrase, take a step back and reassess the situation. Remember, it’s not always about your reaction; it’s about their action.

2) “No one understands me like you do”

A few years back, I had a friend who would often say this to me.

“No one understands me like you do.” It seemed like a compliment, right? Like I was special. But over time, I began to notice a pattern.

Every time we had a disagreement or a difference of opinion, this phrase would pop up. It was as if my friend was using it to guilt me into seeing things from their perspective.

In hindsight, I realize it was a strategic move to isolate me.

By making me feel like I was the only one who ‘got’ them, they were essentially discouraging me from seeking outside perspectives that could have revealed their manipulative behavior.

This phrase is a classic narcissistic manipulation tactic. It’s designed to make you feel unique and valued while subtly discouraging you from seeking other viewpoints. It’s a form of control disguised as flattery.

If you hear this phrase often, take a moment to consider the context and the motive behind it. You might just be dealing with a narcissist.

3) “I never said that”

This phrase is a masterstroke in the narcissist’s playbook.

“I never said that” – a short, simple statement, yet incredibly powerful in its ability to create doubt and confusion.

It’s known as gaslighting. It’s when someone manipulates you into questioning your own memory, perception, or sanity.

I’ve been there, caught up in that whirlwind of doubt. You remember a conversation, you’re absolutely sure about what was said, and yet the other person flatly denies it. It’s maddening and disorienting.

The goal here is to destabilize your trust in your own memory and perceptions. Once that trust is shaken, it becomes easier for the narcissist to control and manipulate the narrative.

It’s tough to deal with this kind of manipulation.

But recognizing it when it happens is the first step towards reclaiming your reality. Trust yourself. Your memories and perceptions are valid; don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

4) “You’re too sensitive”

Here’s another phrase that narcissists love to use: “You’re too sensitive.”

This one hits particularly close to home. It’s a phrase that’s designed to belittle your feelings, invalidate your concerns, and ultimately, make you second-guess your own emotions.

It’s an attempt to dismiss your reactions as overblown or unnecessary, steering the blame away from their behavior and onto your responses.

Over time, hearing this can make you start to question your own feelings. You might start thinking that maybe you are being too sensitive, too emotional, or too dramatic.

But let me tell you this – your feelings are valid. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. If something hurts or bothers you, it’s important, no matter how ‘minor’ someone else might try to paint it.

Recognizing this phrase for what it is – a manipulation tactic – can put you back in control of your own emotions and responses.

5) “It was just a joke”

Ah, the infamous “It was just a joke” line. We’ve all heard it, haven’t we?

This phrase is often used by narcissists as a safety net. They’ll say something hurtful or offensive, and when called out, will hide behind the guise of humor.

It’s a way for narcissists to express their hostility or negativity without taking responsibility for it.

So, they get to say what they want, and if you react negatively, they can simply blame it on your inability to take a joke. Convenient, isn’t it?

It’s crucial to understand that humor should never be used as an excuse for causing harm or discomfort. If a ‘joke’ hurts, it’s not a joke – it’s just plain hurtful.

The next time someone uses this phrase as an excuse, remember that it’s not about your sense of humor; it’s about their lack of respect and empathy.

6) “Can’t you take a compliment?”

Who doesn’t like to be complimented, right? It feels good to be appreciated and recognized. But what happens when compliments become a tool for manipulation?

“Can’t you take a compliment?” – it sounds innocent enough. But in the hands of a narcissist, it’s a subtle strategy to undermine your confidence.

In my experience, this phrase often comes into play when you express discomfort or disagreement with something the narcissist says or does.

Instead of respecting your feelings, they’ll spin it around and make you feel ungrateful or overly critical.

I want you to remember something important here.

You are not obligated to accept compliments that make you uncomfortable or come with strings attached. It’s okay to say no, to set boundaries, and to prioritize your own comfort and well-being.

Remember, genuine compliments are given freely and respectfully, without expecting anything in return. Don’t let anyone use flattery to control or manipulate you.

7) “You always make everything about you”

This phrase is perhaps the most ironic of them all, considering that narcissists are notorious for being self-centered.

“You always make everything about you” is an effective way for a narcissist to shift blame and attention away from themselves and onto you.

It’s a subtle form of projection, where they accuse you of the very behavior they’re exhibiting. This tactic can leave you feeling guilty and self-conscious, thus successfully diverting attention away from their actions.

It’s crucial to recognize this tactic for what it is – a diversion. Don’t let it deter you from addressing their behavior or standing up for yourself.

You have every right to express your thoughts and feelings, and no one should make you feel guilty for doing so.

The takeaway

Recognizing these seven phrases is your first line of defense against conversational manipulation. But remember, awareness is only the first step.

It’s vital to understand that you are not responsible for someone else’s manipulative behavior. The burden of change lies with them, not you.

However, what you can control is how you react to it.

You have the power to set boundaries and to protect your emotional space.

You can choose to disengage from conversations that are harmful or disrespectful. You can stand up for yourself and assert your right to be treated with respect and kindness.

It’s not about winning arguments or outmaneuvering the manipulator. It’s about preserving your self-respect and emotional health.

It may feel difficult at first to adopt these practices, especially if you’re used to accommodating others at the expense of your own wellbeing. But with time and consistency, it gets easier.

So, reflect on these phrases, understand their implications, and equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate manipulative conversations.

You’re stronger than you think. And you’re worth the effort it takes to protect your peace.

Knowledge is power, and today, you’re a little more powerful than you were yesterday.

Picture of Isabelle Chase

Isabelle Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.


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