Personal Branding Interview: Harry Paul

Today, I spoke with Harry Paul, who is a New York Times bestselling author and an expert on organizational strategy.  In this interview, Harry talks about how managers can make fun during a tough economy, money versus passion, his personal brand that he’s developed and information about his new book, which is called Instant Turnaround!

How can managers make work fun during a recession? What if they have no budget?

Focus on the purpose of the organization and have everyone share ideas on how to do this in a fun way keeping in mind to take your work seriously and yourselves a little less seriously. And fun has to be part of a bigger strategy that I call Destination: Work, outlined in my new book, Instant Turnaround!

  • Focus on People as well as performance numbers
  • Motivate with trust not fear
  • Get management involved

Then make fun part of the work process. Fun helps keep people more engaged at work, which leads to increased productivity and profit. And it’s not a line item on a budget.

What if you’re getting paid a lot, but you aren’t passionate about your job. What should you do?

Money is a short-term motivator. Everyone needs to know the mission, vision and values of their organization and that they are making a difference for people. Fulfillment is a much stronger long-term motivator than money. People need to know all their hard work, passion, energy and creativity count for something.

Which companies are doing it right?

Many come to mind such as the Pike Place Fish Market that my book FISH! is based on and Southwest Airlines. These organizations do things a little differently and continue to be profitable even today tough economy. I also see Starbucks as a business where employees feel good about themselves, enjoy what they are doing and having fun while doing it. The employees in these organizations have great attitudes and love serving people. And it shows.

What is the main message in your new book?

The message in Instant Turnaround! is that any organization, large or small can accomplish so much more by tapping into the discretionary effort employees have; effort they regulate by how they feel management is treating them. This untapped resource of energy, creativity, innovation and effort propels companies forward and unleashes the human potential that will get us through these tough times.

How have you developed your personal brand over time? What are you most proud of?

That’s easy. Through my books and presentations. We spend a lot of time at work. We don’t and shouldn’t have to do that in a toxic environment. I’m all about sharing with people that there is a better way to enjoy that third or more of our lives we spend at work. I’m very proud that my message gets heard, understood and I get to make a difference through my books and presentations.

Harry Paul is the New York Times bestselling author of Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results. Harry has follow-up books books in the FISH! series titled, FISH! Sticks, FISH! Tales, and FISH! for Life. Harry’s latest book is called Instant Turnaround!: Getting People Excited About Coming to Work and Working Hard. It outlines the behaviors for implementing the FISH! Philosophy and making part of your organizations success strategy. FISH! and REVVED! make work a destination where people want to go and be there their best. From helping authors publish their books to managing the speaking career of Dr. Ken Blanchard (co-author of The One Minute Manager), Harry has gained a unique perspective and experience in the field of people development. For over 25 years he has been involved with best selling business authors and the philosophy of helping people be the best they can.

Picture of Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success (St. Martin’s Press) and the #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan Publishing), which combined have been translated into 15 languages.


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