People who stay humble often achieve these 8 extraordinary things in life

a man and a woman are sitting on rocks

There’s a profound truth about humility that often goes unnoticed. Staying humble isn’t about downplaying your success; it’s about acknowledging the role of others in your journey.

Staying humble can lead to remarkable achievements in life, beyond just personal satisfaction. And trust me, humble people aren’t just lucky, they follow certain principles which often lead them to extraordinary things in life.

In this article, we will explore these principles and delve into the 8 extraordinary things life often rewards those who stay humble with. So, stick around, you might be surprised at what humility can do for you.

1) They continually learn

One of the most distinctive traits of humble people is their unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

Humility isn’t about being meek or downplaying one’s achievements. It’s about recognizing that there’s always more to learn, no matter how much you already know.

Humble people understand this principle. They are always on the lookout for new experiences, new information, and new ways of understanding the world.

In a way, their humility is what drives their continual growth and development. It’s what pushes them to go beyond their comfort zones and seek out new challenges.

And this constant learning often leads to extraordinary things in life. Whether it’s mastering a new skill, expanding their knowledge base, or even making groundbreaking discoveries, humble people tend to achieve things that others can only dream of.

This continual learning isn’t just about personal growth. It’s also about making a meaningful contribution to the world around them. After all, the more you learn, the more you can give back.

Remember, being humble doesn’t mean selling yourself short. It means acknowledging your potential for growth and harnessing it for the greater good.

2) They build strong relationships

Humble people have a knack for building strong, meaningful relationships.

I’ve personally experienced this. When I was in college, my roommate was one of the most humble people I’ve ever met. Instead of bragging about his accomplishments or imposing his views, he always took the time to listen to others and respect their perspectives.

As a result, he was well-liked and respected by everyone around him. He had a wide circle of friends who genuinely cared about him. His humility made people feel valued and appreciated, which fostered strong bonds of friendship and mutual respect.

Even years after we graduated, he maintains these strong relationships. Today, he’s incredibly successful in his career, largely because of the network of supportive friends and colleagues he’s built over the years.

His experience taught me that humility can open doors to extraordinary opportunities in life. It’s not just about being nice; it’s about building connections based on mutual respect and understanding.

Humble people understand that relationships are more than just a means to an end. They are a valuable part of life’s journey, bringing joy and enrichment along the way. And often, these strong relationships lead to incredible opportunities and achievements that would otherwise be out of reach.

3) They inspire others

Humility has a unique power to inspire. People who remain humble in their achievements and attitudes often serve as role models for those around them.

For instance, Mahatma Gandhi, renowned for his humility, was a source of inspiration for millions. His philosophy of non-violence and humble living spurred a whole nation towards independence.

Similarly, renowned scientist Albert Einstein, despite his monumental contributions to physics, was known for his humility. He once said, “I know two things: I am a genius and I am not a genius.”

These examples show that humility isn’t about lacking confidence or ambition. On the contrary, it’s about understanding your strengths and weaknesses and using them to make a positive impact on the world.

By staying humble, you can inspire others to strive for greatness without losing their grounding, which is an extraordinary achievement in itself.

4) They handle criticism gracefully

Criticism can be hard to take for anyone. But for humble people, it’s another opportunity to learn and grow.

They understand that no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Instead of getting defensive or upset when criticized, they view it as constructive feedback. They see it as a chance to improve and do better in the future.

Handling criticism with grace and openness isn’t always easy. It requires a strong sense of self-awareness and the ability to set aside ego. But those who manage to do so often find themselves achieving extraordinary things.

Because when you can handle criticism well, it shows that you’re open to growth and improvement. And people who are always improving are the ones who reach great heights in life.

5) They make others feel valued

At the heart of humble people is a deep respect for others. No matter who they meet or interact with, they make it a point to treat everyone with kindness and respect.

By acknowledging the worth of others, humble people create an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated. This ability to uplift others is a beautiful trait that often leads to extraordinary achievements in life.

Imagine what kind of world we could live in if everyone felt valued and respected. The positive ripple effect this would create in our societies, workplaces, and homes would be immeasurable.

Humble people remind us of the importance of seeing and respecting the inherent value in each person we encounter. And that, in itself, is an extraordinary achievement worth striving for.

6) They stay resilient in the face of adversity

One of the most challenging phases of my life came when I was laid off from a job I loved. I felt lost and unsure of my future. But it was during this difficult time that I truly understood the power of humility.

Instead of letting my circumstances define me, I chose to embrace humility. I acknowledged my situation and accepted that I needed help. This acceptance opened doors to new opportunities and allowed me to bounce back stronger than ever.

Humble people know that life has its ups and downs. They understand that adversity is a part of life, not a reflection of their worth or abilities. This resilience in the face of adversity often leads them to extraordinary achievements in life.

In fact, it’s during these challenging times that humble people really shine. Their humility enables them to remain grounded, learn from their experiences, and come out stronger on the other side.

7) They appreciate the simple things in life

In a world that often equates success with material wealth and status, humble people have a different perspective. They find joy and fulfillment in the simple things in life.

Whether it’s a beautiful sunset, a heartfelt conversation with a friend, or the satisfaction of a job well done, they take the time to appreciate these moments.

This appreciation for simplicity often leads to a more meaningful and fulfilled life. It helps them stay grounded, even as they achieve great things.

In essence, humble people remind us that it’s not just the big, extraordinary achievements that matter. Sometimes, the most extraordinary things in life are the simple moments of joy and contentment. And recognizing this is an achievement in itself.

8) They leave a lasting legacy

Humble people, through their actions and attitudes, make a deep impact on the world. Whether it’s through the lives they touch, the work they do, or the example they set, they leave a lasting legacy.

This legacy isn’t always about monumental achievements or public recognition. Often, it’s about the small but meaningful changes they inspire in those around them.

The humility to lead by example, to uplift others, and to stay grounded despite success – these are the things that truly matter. And these are the things that create a legacy that stands the test of time.

Final reflection: The power of humility

Humility, a virtue often overlooked in our fast-paced, achievement-oriented society, carries a profound power that can lead to extraordinary things in life.

As the ancient philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “The wise man is one who knows what he does not know.” This understanding of our own limitations and the constant pursuit of knowledge is the essence of humility.

When we embrace humility, we open ourselves to continual learning, build strong relationships, inspire others, and handle criticism gracefully. We make others feel valued, stay resilient in adversity, appreciate simplicity, and ultimately leave a lasting legacy.

Humility does not mean thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less. It’s about recognizing the value in others and understanding our place in the larger scheme of things.

In essence, the power of humility lies not just in the extraordinary achievements it can lead to but in the enriched lives we lead and the positive impact we make on those around us.

So, as you navigate through your journey of life, remember to carry along with you a healthy dose of humility. It might just lead you to extraordinary places.

Picture of Isabelle Chase

Isabelle Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.


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