People who lack basic common sense usually display these 10 behaviors

We all know that person who just seems to lack basic common sense. They consistently make decisions that leave us scratching our heads, wondering, “What were they thinking?”

Common sense isn’t so common, as the saying goes. And folks who are missing this vital trait tend to exhibit certain behaviors that make it glaringly obvious.

In this article, we’re going to explore ten of these behaviors. You’ll likely recognize a few of them, either in yourself or someone you know.

Let’s dive in.

1) Ignoring the obvious

We’ve all met someone who misses the most glaringly obvious things.

It’s one thing to overlook tiny details, but people lacking in common sense often ignore the elephant in the room. They seem to lack the ability to identify and react appropriately to straightforward situations.

It’s akin to someone searching high and low for their glasses, only to find them perched on their head. Or walking into a glass door because they failed to notice it was closed.

This isn’t a one-off occurrence. It’s a pattern that repeats itself, making it one of the telltale signs of an absence of basic common sense.

To be clear, we all have our moments – but when these instances become the norm rather than the exception, it might be an indication of a lack of common sense.

2) Poor decision-making

Another classic trait that people lacking common sense tend to exhibit is poor decision making, often choosing the most complicated solution to a problem when a simple one would suffice.

I remember an instance with a friend who was notorious for his lack of common sense. He once decided to move his couch to the other side of the room. Rather than removing the small items on and around it and moving it directly, he ended up pushing it all the way around the room, knocking over plants and making a mess in the process. The whole ordeal took him an hour, when it could have been done in ten minutes with some basic problem-solving skills.

This kind of impractical decision-making, where someone consistently takes the long way round, is a clear sign of a lack of common sense.

3) Inability to adapt

People who lack common sense often struggle with adapting to new or unexpected situations. They have a hard time thinking on their feet and coming up with a solution when faced with an unforeseen problem.

For instance, if they’ve always done something one way, they’ll continue doing it that way, regardless of whether it’s efficient or practical. This inability to adjust their approach in light of new circumstances is a clear marker of poor common sense.

Interestingly, Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

This highlights just how essential adaptability – a key component of common sense – is to survival and success.

4) Lack of awareness

Another common behavior displayed by those lacking basic common sense is a lack of awareness about their surroundings and the people around them. They seem to exist in their own bubble, oblivious to what’s happening right next to them.

For instance, you might see them standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk, completely unaware that they’re blocking the path for others. Or they might talk loudly on their phone in a quiet cafe, disrupting the peace for everyone else.

This lack of situational awareness isn’t malicious; they simply don’t realize the impact of their actions on others. However, it’s a clear indicator of a lack of common sense.

5) Overcomplication

People who lack common sense often have a knack for turning simple tasks into complex ones. They tend to overthink and overcomplicate situations, making mountains out of molehills.

Take, for example, someone trying to set up a new TV. Instead of following the straightforward instructions in the manual, they might try to figure everything out on their own, resulting in unnecessary confusion and frustration.

This tendency to overcomplicate simple tasks is not just time-consuming but also a clear sign of lacking basic common sense. The old adage, “Keep it simple, stupid,” often seems lost on them.

6) Lack of empathy

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is often overlooked as a component of common sense. However, those lacking in common sense often struggle with this vital human trait.

They find it difficult to step into someone else’s shoes and see things from a different perspective. This lack of empathy can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships.

Imagine a friend going through a difficult time. A person with common sense would offer comfort and support, understanding that their friend needs them. But someone lacking common sense may make inappropriate jokes or comments, failing to grasp the gravity of the situation.

In essence, a lack of empathy is not just a sign of poor emotional intelligence but also indicative of a basic lack of common sense.

7) Ignoring advice and expertise

People lacking common sense often have a tendency to ignore advice or expertise from those more knowledgeable than them. They dismiss the wisdom of others, believing they know best, even when it’s clear they don’t.

I recall my own struggle with this when I was younger. I was attempting to fix a leak in my kitchen sink. Despite having zero plumbing experience, I confidently waved off any assistance from my plumber friend, convinced I could handle it. The result? A flooded kitchen and an expensive repair bill.

Ignoring expert advice and charging headfirst into situations without understanding the repercussions is a clear behavior of those lacking basic common sense. It’s a lesson I learned the hard way.

8) Overconfidence in abilities

Here’s an interesting one. You’d think that people lacking common sense would be aware of their limitations. Surprisingly, it’s quite the opposite.

Many times, individuals who lack basic common sense exhibit an overconfidence in their abilities. They believe they can handle anything that comes their way, even when it’s clear they’re out of their depth.

Picture someone insisting they can fix a complex electrical issue without any training or experience. The overconfidence to tackle such tasks without the necessary skills not only increases the risk of failure but also could lead to potential harm.

This misguided self-assurance is definitely a sign of lacking common sense.

9) Failing to learn from mistakes

We all make mistakes – it’s part and parcel of being human. However, the key lies in learning from those mistakes and not repeating them.

Individuals who lack common sense, however, often fail to learn from their past errors. They repeat the same mistakes over and over again, seemingly unable to comprehend the lesson that life is trying to teach them.

For example, if someone continually overspends and struggles with debts every month, yet refuses to adjust their spending habits, it indicates a lack of common sense.

The failure to recognize and learn from one’s mistakes is a clear sign of lacking this fundamental trait.

10) Absence of foresight

The most important behavior that indicates a lack of common sense is the absence of foresight. People with a good measure of common sense have the ability to anticipate potential outcomes and plan accordingly.

Those lacking in this area, however, tend to act without considering the consequences. They plunge headfirst into situations without thinking about what could go wrong or how their actions might affect others in the long run.

Foresight is a crucial aspect of common sense, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges effectively. Its absence is, therefore, a key indicator of a lack of basic common sense.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.


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