People who check their phone as soon as they wake up in the morning typically display these 8 traits, according to psychology

Do you grab your phone the second your eyes flutter open in the morning? I used to do it too. It’s a habit millions of us have, but what does it say about us?

Psychology has some interesting insights into this behavior. It turns out, people who check their phones immediately upon waking up often share certain personality traits.

In this article, we’re delving into those 8 traits that are typically displayed by the early morning phone-checkers.

Let’s get started.

1) Early birds

The saying “the early bird catches the worm” might sound cliché, but it seems to hold some truth for phone-checkers.

According to psychology, people who check their phone first thing in the morning are often early risers. It’s not just about waking up early, but being proactive with their time.

These individuals don’t let the morning pass by aimlessly. Instead, they reach for their phone to check emails, news, or updates. It’s about staying connected and ahead of the curve.

Now, it’s not a hard and fast rule. Some people might just be reaching for their phone due to habit or anxiety. But in many cases, this trait reveals a drive to kick-start their day on a productive note.

2) Multitaskers

This one hits home for me. I used to pride myself on my ability to juggle multiple tasks at once, and my morning phone-checking habit was part of that.

Psychology suggests that people who check their phones first thing in the morning are often multitaskers. They’re the ones who can balance a cup of coffee, scroll through emails, and plan their day all at once.

This trait can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s a sign of efficiency and the ability to manage time effectively, which is great. On the other hand, it can lead to a constant state of divided attention, which isn’t so great.

I’ve learned that multitasking isn’t always the best approach and it’s important to give individual tasks the focus they deserve. But whether it’s a strength or a challenge for you personally, if you’re checking your phone first thing in the morning, you might just be a natural multitasker!

3) Tech-savvy

Ever wondered why some people are just more comfortable around technology than others? Well, according to psychology, people who reach for their phones as soon as they wake up tend to be more tech-savvy.

Being tech-savvy goes beyond just knowing how to use your phone. It’s about being comfortable with technology, understanding its importance and integrating it seamlessly into your daily life.

A study from the Pew Research Center found that 92% of millennials own smartphones, and they’re twice as likely as their older counterparts to say they couldn’t live without their smartphones. This attachment to technology often begins first thing in the morning.

If you’re someone who checks your phone right after you wake up, it’s likely that you’re more technologically inclined than others. You might even be the one your friends turn to when they can’t figure out the latest update!

4) Anxious

It’s not always an easy topic to discuss, but anxiety can play a significant role in our daily habits, such as checking our phones first thing in the morning.

According to psychology, people who reach for their phones immediately upon waking may be experiencing some form of anxiety. They could be worried about missing out on updates or important messages, or even just feel the need to be constantly connected.

The fear of not being in the loop, popularly known as “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out), is a form of social anxiety that can push us to continually check our phones.

It’s important to remember that it’s okay to disconnect sometimes. Our mental health should always be a priority. But if you find yourself anxiously reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, it might be worth exploring why that is.

5) Empathetic

Sometimes, the habit of reaching for our phones first thing in the morning isn’t about us at all – it’s about others.

Psychology suggests that people who check their phones right after waking up can often be more empathetic. They might be checking in on a friend who’s going through a tough time or responding to a loved one who needs advice.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it’s a beautiful trait to have. It means that you care deeply about the people in your life and want to stay connected to them, even when you’re just starting your day.

If you’re someone who reaches for your phone as soon as you wake up, it might not be a bad thing at all. It could just mean that you have a big heart and care about the people in your life.

6) Restless

As someone who has struggled with restlessness, I know how it can lead to certain habits, including checking the phone first thing in the morning.

Psychology shows that people who check their phones immediately upon waking up often exhibit signs of restlessness. They might be seeking a distraction as soon as they wake up, unable to enjoy a few moments of quiet before starting their day.

Restlessness can often be a sign of an active mind, always eager for stimulation. While it can drive productivity and creativity, it can also make it harder to relax and unwind.

If you’re like me and find yourself reaching for your phone before you’ve even gotten out of bed, it might be worth exploring ways to manage this restlessness. Perhaps starting the day with a few moments of mindfulness could help.

7) Goal-oriented

Reaching for the phone first thing in the morning isn’t always about restlessness or anxiety. Sometimes, it’s all about goals.

According to psychology, people who check their phones as soon as they wake up are often goal-oriented individuals. They use their phone as a tool to plan their day, set reminders, and stay on track with their goals.

They might be checking their calendar for the day’s appointments, reviewing their to-do list, or reading an inspirational quote to set a positive tone for the day.

If you’re someone who checks your phone as soon as you open your eyes, it could mean that you’re a goal-oriented person with a clear vision of what you want to achieve each day.

8) Connected

Ultimately, people who check their phones as soon as they wake up are connected individuals. They value staying in touch with the world around them, whether it’s through news updates, social media, or personal messages.

In our fast-paced digital age, staying connected is more important than ever. It enables us to keep up with the latest developments, maintain relationships, and engage with the world from the comfort of our homes.

Being connected means you’re informed, engaged and part of a wider community. It’s a trait that defines our modern age and plays a crucial role in shaping our experiences and interactions.

Final thoughts: It’s a reflection of our times

The habits we form, including checking our phones as soon as we wake up, are often a mirror of the society we live in.

We’re part of a digital world where connectivity is king, and our phones have become an extension of ourselves. They’re not just devices; they’re portals to a universe of information, communication, and entertainment.

These habits don’t define us, but they do offer an interesting glimpse into our personalities and the times we live in. Whether it’s being an early bird or an empathetic friend, being connected or goal-oriented, each trait tells a story.

Remember, understanding our behavior is the first step towards self-awareness and personal growth. So next time you reach for your phone first thing in the morning, you might want to pause and reflect on what that says about you.

In this digital age, it’s not just about staying connected with the world; it’s about staying connected with ourselves too.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.


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