People who are really difficult to be around often exhibit these 9 behaviors (without realizing it)

We’ve all encountered that one person who’s difficult to be around. They may not mean to be problematic, but their actions tend to rub people the wrong way.

The tricky part is, these individuals often aren’t aware of their irksome behavior. They go about their day oblivious to the discomfort they cause.

So, what makes someone hard to be around? Well, there are nine distinct behaviors that seem to crop up regularly. And the first step in addressing these behaviors is recognizing them.

Here’s a look at those nine behaviors that can make a person really difficult to be around, often without even realizing it.

1) They constantly dominate conversations

Have you ever tried to have a chat with someone who simply won’t let you get a word in? That’s a tough spot to be in.

These folks often don’t realize how one-sided their conversations are. They’re so wrapped up in what they want to say that they forget to pause and listen to others.

Their incessant chatter can leave you feeling unseen, unheard, and unimportant. It’s like your opinions and ideas don’t matter.

Without realizing it, people who dominate conversations can quickly become difficult to be around. It can feel like you’re not having a conversation with them, but rather being subjected to a monologue.

2) They’re perpetually negative

We all have our bad days, but do you know someone who seems to be stuck in a cycle of negativity? It can be draining to be around such people.

I remember a former colleague of mine, let’s call him Tom. Tom was incredibly talented, but he had a knack for finding the downside to just about everything. Whether it was a new project, a team-building activity, or even just a sunny day, Tom always had something negative to say.

At first, I tried to brush it off. But over time, his constant pessimism began to weigh on me. It even started impacting my own mood and productivity.

People like Tom often don’t realize that their negativity can seep into their interactions and turn them into people who are hard to be around. It’s essential to try and maintain a positive mindset, not only for your own sake but for those around you too.

3) They struggle with empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a critical component of healthy relationships and productive social interactions.

Did you know that research shows empathy is like a muscle? It can be strengthened with practice, but it can also weaken if not used regularly.

Some people, unfortunately, seem to have an underdeveloped empathy muscle. They struggle to put themselves in other people’s shoes or fail to show consideration for others’ feelings. This lack of empathy can make them really difficult to be around, as it can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

While they may not realize it, their lack of empathy can significantly impact their relationships. The good news is, just like a muscle, empathy can be developed and strengthened over time.

4) They’re quick to criticize

Criticism, when offered constructively, can be a valuable tool for growth. However, some individuals have a tendency to criticize excessively and harshly, often without considering the impact of their words.

These individuals may not realize it, but their constant criticism can make others feel inadequate or defensive. It can create an environment of negativity and discourage open communication.

Constructive criticism is helpful and necessary at times, but it’s also important to balance it with praise and encouragement.

5) They never take responsibility

We all make mistakes – it’s a part of being human. But owning up to those mistakes and taking responsibility for our actions is what sets us apart.

Some people, however, have a tendency to shift blame onto others or external circumstances. They’re quick to point fingers and slow to accept responsibility.

This behavior can be immensely frustrating for those around them. It prevents growth and creates a lack of trust.

If you find yourself blaming others for your mistakes, take a step back and examine the situation honestly. Owning up to your errors might be difficult in the moment, but it’s crucial for personal growth and maintaining healthy relationships.

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6) They lack respect for personal boundaries

Boundaries are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. They help protect our personal space, both physically and emotionally.

However, some people struggle to recognize or respect these boundaries. They might invade your personal space or consistently rely on you for emotional support without reciprocating.

This disregard for personal boundaries can feel invasive and exhausting. It can create a sense of discomfort and make them difficult to be around.

Respecting boundaries might mean different things to different people, but it often comes down to understanding and respecting one’s personal space, time, and feelings.

7) They’re always the victim

Life is filled with ups and downs – we’ve all faced challenges and obstacles. But how we react to these situations defines us.

I once had a friend who always saw themselves as the victim, no matter the situation. Whether it was a missed deadline at work, a failed relationship, or a declined invitation to a social event, it was always someone else’s fault.

Over time, this perpetual victim mentality began to wear me down. It was exhausting to constantly be in crisis mode and I found myself distancing from that friend.

People who habitually play the victim may not realize the emotional toll it takes on those around them. It’s important to remember that while we can’t control every situation, we can control our response to it.

8) They’re overly competitive

A healthy sense of competition can be a great motivator. It can push us to strive for excellence and reach our full potential.

However, some people take competition to an unhealthy extreme. Everything becomes a competition, from casual games to professional achievements. Winning is their only goal, even at the cost of relationships.

Their constant need to outdo everyone can make them really difficult to be around. It can create tension and make others feel undervalued.

Life isn’t a race against others. It’s about personal growth and becoming the best version of ourselves. It’s okay to strive for success, but not at the expense of others.

9) They’re unapologetically self-centered

It’s natural to care about our own needs and interests. However, consistently prioritizing them over everything else, without considering others, is not a trait of a good companion.

People who are overly self-centered often fail to recognize the impact of their actions on others. They’re unaware that their constant focus on ‘me, myself, and I’ can be off-putting and exhausting for those around them.

While it’s important to look after ourselves, showing genuine interest in others and recognizing their needs is equally crucial. After all, relationships are about mutual respect and understanding, not just about what one person wants or needs.


Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.


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