People who are incredibly selfish usually display these 10 behaviors (without realizing it)

It’s a fine line between looking out for yourself and being outright selfish.

Often, extremely self-centered individuals aren’t aware of their behavior, thinking they’re just being practical or realistic.

Seldom do they realize that their actions are affecting those around them in negative ways.

In this article, we’re going to delve into the ten typical behaviors that incredibly selfish people exhibit, mostly without even recognizing it.

Let’s get started.

1) They often prioritize their needs

Incredibly selfish individuals have a knack for consistently putting their needs ahead of everyone else’s.

This isn’t necessarily about always wanting the last slice of pizza or insisting on controlling the television remote. It goes deeper than that.

Consider instances where they consistently prioritize their own desires during decision-making processes, often without regard for how these choices impact others. This could be as simple as deciding on a movie to watch, or as significant as choosing a place to live.

More often than not, they’ll make their decision based on what suits them best, with little to no consideration for others.

The thing is, they might not even realize they’re doing this. In their minds, they’re just making practical choices based on their personal preferences. The fact that these decisions could be negatively impacting others can often completely fly under their radar.

2) They rarely acknowledge their mistakes

I remember a time when I had a close friend who seemed almost incapable of admitting when they had made a mistake.

Every time there was a disagreement or conflict, they would always find a way to shift the blame onto someone else. It was never their fault, and they always had an excuse ready.

Even when it was painfully clear that they were at fault, they would twist the narrative to make themselves look like the victim. It was exhausting and frustrating to deal with.

This is a classic behavior of incredibly selfish people. They have an uncanny ability to avoid taking responsibility for their actions, often without even realizing they’re doing it. They’re so focused on preserving their own self-image that they fail to see the impact of their actions on others.

3) They struggle with empathy

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a crucial component of successful social interaction. However, for incredibly selfish individuals, this trait tends to be underdeveloped.

People who consistently prioritize their own needs over those of others often lack the ability to empathize effectively. This isn’t because they’re inherently cruel or uncaring – it’s often a byproduct of their self-focused perspective.

They struggle to put themselves in other people’s shoes, which can make their interactions seem cold or dismissive. Their primary focus is their own experience, which leaves little room for understanding the experiences of others. And unfortunately, many don’t even realize they’re lacking in this area.

4) They often interrupt others

In conversations, you’ll often notice that incredibly selfish individuals have a tendency to cut others off mid-sentence. This isn’t always because they’re intentionally rude or dismissive; sometimes, they’re just so wrapped up in their own thoughts and opinions that they forget to let others speak.

They’re eager to share their own views and experiences, and often don’t realize that they’re dominating the conversation. This behavior can make others feel unheard and unimportant, but to the selfish individual, it’s just normal conversation.

The irony is, they might be completely unaware of this habit. It’s just their way of engaging in dialogue, oblivious to how it comes across to others.

5) They’re rarely grateful

Gratitude is a trait that comes naturally to most of us. We appreciate the kindness and efforts of other people, and we express this appreciation with words or gestures. However, incredibly selfish individuals often struggle with this.

They’re so focused on their own needs and wants that they often fail to recognize the efforts of others. They expect things to go their way and when they do, they see it as a given, not something to be thankful for.

This lack of gratitude can often be perceived as entitlement. But to the selfish individual, it’s simply their way of seeing the world. They might not even realize how ungrateful they come across, as they’re just used to expecting their desired outcomes.

6) They’re not great at sharing

Sharing is a fundamental aspect of human connection. It’s how we build relationships, show kindness, and express our care for one another. But incredibly selfish individuals often struggle with this concept.

They hold on tightly to their belongings, their time, and even their thoughts and feelings. It’s as if they’re afraid that sharing would somehow diminish their own resources or expose them to vulnerability.

This reluctance to share can be hurtful to those around them, creating a sense of isolation and disconnection. But in their perspective, it’s just a way to protect what’s theirs. They may not even realize how this behaviour impacts their relationships negatively, seeing it as a personal boundary rather than an act of selfishness.

7) They rarely offer help

I’ve known people who, despite having the ability and resources to lend a hand, often choose not to. Whether it’s helping with a task, offering advice, or providing emotional support, they’re usually absent.

I remember once needing help with moving. I asked a friend who had a spacious car if he could assist. He agreed initially but backed out at the last minute with a rather flimsy excuse. It was clear he just didn’t want to spend his Saturday helping me move.

This kind of behavior is common among incredibly selfish individuals. They’re often hesitant to extend their help unless there’s something in it for them. They may not even realize this pattern of behavior, seeing it as preserving their time and energy rather than an act of selfishness.

8) They’re often overly generous

You might not associate generosity with selfishness, but hear me out. Incredibly selfish individuals can sometimes be overly generous, but it’s usually with a catch.

They give lavishly, but often with the expectation of receiving something in return. Their generosity isn’t about altruism or kindness; instead, it’s a calculated move to gain leverage or create a sense of obligation.

So, when they suddenly offer a gift or do you a big favor, it’s often because they’re expecting something in return. The catch is they often don’t realize they’re doing this. In their mind, they’re just being generous and helpful, not realizing their hidden agenda makes their actions less than selfless.

9) They always want to be in control

Control is a big thing for incredibly selfish individuals. They often want to dictate how things should go, from small everyday decisions to major life choices. They like to have their way and expect others to follow suit.

They’re the ones who decide where to eat, which movie to watch, or what plans to make for the weekend. And they often do this without considering the preferences of others involved.

While they may think they’re just taking charge or being decisive, they may not realize that their need for control often comes off as selfish. It can make others feel unimportant, as their opinions and desires are consistently overlooked.

10) They lack self-awareness

The most telling trait of incredibly selfish individuals is their lack of self-awareness. They often don’t realize the negative impact their behavior has on others. It’s not that they’re intentionally trying to be hurtful or dismissive; they’re simply unaware of how their actions are perceived.

This lack of self-awareness makes it difficult for them to recognize their selfish tendencies and take steps to change. They see their actions as reasonable and justified, oblivious to the fact that they’re often at the expense of others. This is why understanding and recognizing these behaviors is crucial, not just for those dealing with selfish individuals, but for those who may be unknowingly exhibiting these traits themselves.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.


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