One Idea Creates A Million

Years ago I was advised to create a “free” tip sheet as a giveaway at my vendor table at tradeshows. The man further suggested I simply turn my favorite piece of advice into 10 top tips. Next, it was recommended I turn the compiled tips into a colorful sheet or postcard. His prediction was it would attract attendees to my table encouraging purchase of more of my products and services.

His advice resonated with me. A professional piece was created for that purpose. The advice was 100% on target. So I took it a step further. I began considering what would happen if I were to implement this step for most everything I do.

Offer one, get one

With a calculator in hand, I quickly saw the exponential result from implementing this exercise. When you offer one product or service, you have only one audience.

photoOffering a combination of three products and services, you then have six potential audiences. This number is found by multiplying 3x2x1.

The reason for this is you begin to experience overlap. Someone may purchase your book and then ask for training. Another may experience a workshop you provide and then ask you to speak at their next convention. Meanwhile as you provide outstanding services, referrals and testimonials serve to get you known.

Compliment the core

Think about each service and product you currently have. What can you do to grow your audience potential for each? The only qualifier with which you need to be concerned is that they all complement one another and work to further build your core business.

Consider first the product or service that has proven to be the most popular of all that you offer. You may as well run with what works best to eliminate wasted time. Think about asking those you trust why they believe these are the most popular. Next, consider ideas on how to expand the first and then ask your trusted associates what they believe will be the most successful.

Most of all, it’s critically important you stay abreast of how business is conducted at any point in time so that you are ahead of the curve. In today’s case be familiar with the latest techniques for getting word out on social media and through video technology. These will spread word of your new offerings faster than any other method currently.

Time to implement

Now that you are thinking of what might be done, here is an example of how someone might implement this suggestion. If you are a coach, you may develop a workbook, a PDF book, articles to be distributed on the internet, postings from your work on social media sites, video segments, host an internet radio show, be a radio show guest, submit articles to magazines, write a blog and offer to speak at events.

Expanding your venue into ten possibilities, the number of potential audiences you may reach is a remarkable 3,628,800. Now that’s what I call building your brand! And you will enjoy many ‘a Smooth Sale!’


Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, LLC authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results” and “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”. She provides team sales training, private coaching, and Inspirational keynotes for conferences to standing ovations. Elinor is available for consultation. Visit / Call (800) 704-1499 today.

Picture of Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, was honored by Open View Labs with inclusion in their international list of “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and the best selling career book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press. She provides team sales training, private coaching and highly acclaimed inspirational keynotes for conferences. Elinor is available for consultation. Kred ranks Stutz as a Top 1% influencer; CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”. She speaks and consults worldwide.


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