One Geometric Principle Smartly Leverages Business

shutterstock_180832973Business operating with a single threaded mindset rarely survives for very long. These owners are the same ones who frequently proclaim, “You should do” but it’s usually a singular piece of a complex puzzle.

Unfortunately most people who make pronouncements like that aren’t aware of the missing pieces. But by putting them all together to solve the puzzle, you have a time-efficient mechanism in place that produces far greater results. This relates to the concept of geometry, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. This implies the cross functioning of components for establishing a strong machine.

Picture a dozen pieces joined together in a circle. Instead of just a circular grouping working together for one outcome, the geometric principle points to that PLUS all of the parts interacting in a variety of combinations. This is what produces an exponential grand total of possibility, far larger than just the sum total of the parts.

An example is that is having heard, “To establish credibility, you need to write a book.” To the dismay of many authors, it was only after the entire book was written that the next revelation took hold. It became necessary to refresh speaking skills as well as learn many other strategies for business development to include marketing, branding, and public relations, as well as create new products and services. You can imagine it took years to embrace and put into motion all of this for a far more recognizable presence. But for those willing to pursue, it made an enormous difference as opposed to those who simply wrote a book.

In today’s marketplace, many people will pronounce that a particular social media site will make all the difference for one’s business. That one site is only a drop in the social media ocean. An improved approach is to figure out where your intended audience resides. Your job continues in analyzing which platforms you prefer and will commit to using on a daily basis.

Complicating the matter are complementary tools and apps associated with each of the sites. It is up to us to figure out which will enhance our user experience. As business builds, so do our audiences and their desires. This is when the case is clearly made to intermingle the platforms for improved results.

Another approach is to ask many questions of peers and followers as to their preferences for business development, and the reasoning behind their suggestions. Gaining insight will provide you with additional ideas for creating new products and services as well as sharing desired content. Expansion of all that you offer is referred to as leveraging, and this should be applied to the best of what you provide. This is how multiple streams of income develop.

Understanding the entire picture, and ensuring all components work together as a team effect, plus interaction among the complementary, will set you and your personal brand apart.  You are then directed to the Smooth Sale!

Picture of Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, was honored by Open View Labs with inclusion in their international list of “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and the best selling career book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press. She provides team sales training, private coaching and highly acclaimed inspirational keynotes for conferences. Elinor is available for consultation. Kred ranks Stutz as a Top 1% influencer; CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”. She speaks and consults worldwide.


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