New Years Resolutions for Entrepreneurs & Personal Branding

Happy New Year! As entrepreneurs begin another year of running their business, or decide that this is the year they will start their own company, here are some personal branding resolutions all entrepreneurs should have:

1) I will blog more

You want to further your brand and expertise. There’s no better way than to share your own thoughts with the world on a variety of topics that you consider yourself an expert in. Blog more! People will only further see your subject matter expertise.

For your business, there’s no better way to get publicity / more information out about your business than to blog more about the company and new product offerings/company news. If you get your post syndicated on other sites, that’s more free publicity for your business

2) I will tweet more

On Facebook, people aren’t as receptive to multiple posts all day. But on twitter, that’s what your followers are craving for. Use twitter to jot down your “instant moments of brilliance” and to continue building excitement for your business and personal brand. That can only be done if you are posting more and more intelligent/insightful commentary and thoughts on twitter. Have it so that your followers associate your name with an insightful post. Do that repeatedly and your personal brand will further evolve.

3) I will write more personal replies to new followers on Twitter

More people are following you on twitter – great! Engage in them! Ask them why they are following you – or thank them for following you. Make a comment about their post. Make a comment about where they work/how your business could help their business. If they unfollow you – that’s fine. If they engage in a conversation – it could lead somewhere. And you never know if that tweet will lead to the next “big deal” for your own company or personal brand.

4) I will find the perfect blend of talking about my business and my personal thoughts on social media

Don’t fatigue your followers/fans by just posting advertisements about your business. You also don’t want to fatigue them with just your own personal commentary / constant photos of your family / constant off topic political rants. Instead, find the happy medium where you can promote your business, promote the “human” side of your personal brand and continue to create content that engages the type of audience you seek to have for your business/brand.

Picture of Ben Cathers

Ben Cathers

Ben Cathers is the co-founder of – an outsourced social media provider (smo). He is the co-founder of three startups before he was 19 years old. Ben is the author of Conversations with Teen Entrepreneurs and was named in 2005 by CNN as a member of “America’s Bright Future.”  Ben has been quoted/featured in the Wall Street Journal, FOX News, ABC News, CBS News, Yahoo! Internet Life, The London Sunday Times and in over 40 different publications. 


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