Men who lack basic common sense usually display these 8 behaviors (without realizing it)

There’s a noticeable divide between being common sense-challenged and simply being unobservant.

This gap is all about awareness. Men who lack common sense often exhibit certain behaviors without even realizing they’re doing it.

On the flip side, those who are just unobservant might miss out on small details, but they don’t necessarily lack the reasoning skills that common sense entails.

Men lacking in common sense often display certain behaviors that are clear indicators of their deficiency, yet they’re completely oblivious to them.

Here are eight behaviors that these men typically display. Let’s dive in and shed some light on these often overlooked signs.

1) They often miss the obvious

There’s an interesting paradox when it comes to men who lack common sense.

Despite being fully functional adults, they somehow fail to notice the most obvious things around them. This isn’t because they’re not intelligent or capable, but rather because they aren’t tuned in to the practical aspects of everyday life.

Take, for example, a man who walks into a room and leaves the door wide open, even though it’s freezing outside. Most people would instinctively close the door behind them, but someone lacking common sense might not make the connection between an open door and a cold room.

This sort of obliviousness can extend to all areas of life, from personal relationships to work situations. It’s not that these men are trying to be difficult or uncooperative; they simply don’t realize what they’re doing (or not doing).

So if you notice a man frequently overlooking obvious details or failing to grasp simple concepts, it might be a sign of lacking common sense. But remember, it’s not about intelligence; it’s about practicality and awareness.

2) Overcomplicating simple scenarios

I remember this one time when I was at the supermarket with a friend who, let’s just say, isn’t the most common sense-savvy person I know.

We were standing in front of the self-checkout machine, a reasonably straightforward device to use. However, my friend was fumbling around, trying to scan the barcodes but also pressing random buttons on the screen. It was like he was trying to crack a complicated code.

I stepped in and showed him how simple it was: scan the items one by one, put them in the bagging area, then pay. That’s it. He looked at me in disbelief, as if I had just revealed a magic trick.

That’s when it hit me; men who lack common sense often overcomplicate simple things. They don’t see the straightforward path; instead, they create a maze of unnecessary steps and get lost in it. It’s not intentional or malicious; they just don’t see things the way most people do.

3) Struggling with basic decision making

When faced with simple decisions, men who lack common sense often find it challenging to make a choice. They might spend an inordinate amount of time deciding on trivial matters like what to wear or what to eat for dinner, often making things more complicated than they need to be.

Interestingly, a study showed that people who struggle with decision-making tend to have a higher level of anxiety. This is because they overthink the potential consequences of their choices, even when the stakes are low.

In essence, men lacking common sense might turn a simple decision into an anxiety-ridden process. So if you notice someone habitually struggling with everyday choices, this could be a sign of a lack of common sense. Keep in mind, though, that it’s not about the speed of decision-making but rather the unnecessary complexity they add to simple choices.

4) Ignoring the bigger picture

Men who lack common sense often focus too much on the minor details and lose sight of the bigger picture. They might get caught up in small issues or tasks and fail to see how these connect to their broader goals or responsibilities.

For instance, they might spend hours perfecting a single slide of a presentation, neglecting the rest of the content. Or they could be so focused on winning an argument that they don’t realize they’re damaging an important relationship.

This lack of perspective can lead to inefficiency, miscommunication, and missed opportunities. So if you notice someone regularly getting lost in the details while losing sight of what truly matters, they may be lacking in common sense. Remember, it’s not about failing to pay attention to small things; it’s about failing to balance the small with the big.

5) Failing to consider others’ feelings

One of the most telling signs of a lack of common sense is a disregard for other people’s feelings. It’s not that these individuals are inherently selfish or mean; they just seem to have a blind spot when it comes to empathy.

For instance, they might blurt out insensitive comments without thinking about how their words might affect others. Or they could unintentionally ignore someone’s needs because they’re too focused on their own.

This lack of empathy can hurt relationships and create unnecessary conflict. It’s heartbreaking to see these men stumble in their interactions with others, oblivious to the emotional damage they’re causing. If you see someone consistently failing to consider the feelings and perspectives of others, they might be lacking in common sense. But remember, it’s not about being malicious; it’s about being unaware.

6) Not learning from past mistakes

We all make mistakes; it’s a part of being human. But one thing I’ve noticed about men who lack common sense is that they tend to repeat the same errors over and over, seemingly unable to learn from their past missteps.

I’ve seen this pattern in my own life. I once had a colleague who would consistently miss deadlines. Despite repeated feedback and countless missed opportunities, he continued with his poor time management, seemingly unaware of the negative impact it had on our team and his professional growth.

This tendency to not learn from past mistakes can lead to larger issues down the line. And while it’s frustrating to witness, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not about stubbornness or defiance; it’s more about a lack of awareness and understanding.

7) Ignoring advice and suggestions

Men who lack common sense often have a tendency to dismiss advice and suggestions, even when they’re clearly struggling. They might resist help and insist on doing things their own way, even if it’s not working.

For example, they might refuse to follow a recipe when cooking a new dish, resulting in a meal that’s barely edible. Or they could ignore traffic rules and end up with a hefty fine.

This stubborn independence can lead to unnecessary problems and missed opportunities for growth. So if you notice someone frequently disregarding advice or refusing help when they clearly need it, they might be lacking in common sense. Remember, it’s not about being independent; it’s about knowing when to ask for and accept help.

8) Overlooking safety precautions

Perhaps the most critical sign of a lack of common sense is a disregard for safety. Men who lack common sense often overlook basic safety precautions, putting themselves and others at risk.

For instance, they might ignore warning signs at a construction site or neglect to wear a seatbelt while driving. These actions aren’t just irresponsible; they can be life-threatening.

So if you notice someone frequently ignoring safety measures, it’s more than just a red flag for a lack of common sense—it’s an urgent call for intervention. Because when it comes down to it, common sense isn’t just about making life easier; it’s about keeping us safe.

Picture of Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.


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