Men who have very little integrity in life usually display these 8 behaviors (without even realizing it)

When a guy lies to your face, you know he’s deceitful. When he breaks a promise, you know he’s unreliable.

This is communication 101.

But let’s face it, figuring out a person’s true character can be a tough nut to crack. Especially when it comes to men with little integrity, who often don’t even realize their own behaviors.

Now, I’ve noticed that these men typically display 8 specific behaviors. So, let’s break it down together, shall we?

1) They’re all talk and no action

Promises, promises. They’re easy to make, aren’t they?

For men with little integrity, they’re a dime a dozen. These guys are experts at making grandiose pledges, but when it comes to following through? Not so much.

They might promise you the moon and stars, but they rarely deliver. Whether it’s a commitment to change a bad habit or just a simple task they said they’d handle, the result is often the same – disappointment.

This isn’t always because they’re trying to deceive you – sometimes they don’t even realize they’re doing it. But their pattern of empty promises is a telltale sign of their lack of integrity.

It’s a classic case of actions speaking louder than words. And in this case? The silence is deafening.

2) They shift the blame

I’ll never forget an old friend of mine, let’s call him Mike.

Mike had a knack for avoiding responsibility. If something went wrong, it was never his fault. He had an excuse for every occasion and was a master at passing the buck.

Once, we were working together on a project. We had divided the work evenly, but when the deadline approached, Mike hadn’t completed his part. Instead of admitting he’d dropped the ball, he blamed it on me.

According to him, I hadn’t communicated the deadline clearly enough. But that was far from the truth – we’d agreed on the timeline together.

This kind of blame-shifting is typical of men with little integrity. They don’t take responsibility for their actions or admit their mistakes. Instead, they find ways to point fingers at others.

And just like with Mike, it’s a behavior that can seriously damage relationships and trust over time.

3) They twist the truth

Now, there’s a fascinating thing about human memory – it’s not as reliable as we’d like to think. In fact, studies show that each time we recall an event, we’re not remembering the actual event but rather the last time we remembered it.

For men with little integrity, this ‘feature’ of our memory can become a convenient tool for manipulation. They may subtly alter facts or events to their advantage, distorting the truth so much that it becomes unrecognizable.

They’re not outright lying – that would be too obvious. Instead, they’re bending the truth, reshaping it to fit their narrative. And the scariest part? They often do this without even realizing it.

4) They’re inconsistent

One day they’re your best friend, the next day they’re as cold as ice.

Sounds familiar?

Men with little integrity often display this kind of erratic behavior. Their attitudes, beliefs, and even their promises can change like the wind.

This inconsistency can leave you feeling unsure and confused. You never know where you stand with them because their stance can change at a moment’s notice.

Integrity is about consistency – being the same person regardless of who’s watching or what situation you’re in. But for these guys? That concept is as foreign as it gets.

5) They lack empathy

In my experience, one of the most telling signs of a man with little integrity is a lack of empathy.

I’ve seen it in action – they struggle to put themselves in other people’s shoes, to understand or even acknowledge their feelings and perspectives. It’s almost as if they’re emotionally tone-deaf.

I remember a guy I used to work with who was like this.

When a colleague was going through a tough time, he seemed completely oblivious to her distress. While the rest of us rallied around her, he carried on as if nothing was wrong.

This inability to empathize is more than just insensitivity. It’s a fundamental lack of respect for others’ feelings and experiences, and it’s a clear sign of little integrity.

6) They’re often charming

Here’s a curveball for you – men with little integrity can often be incredibly charming. They know how to make you feel special, they’re charismatic, and they have a knack for saying all the right things at the right time.

But don’t let that fool you. This charm is often a smokescreen, a way to distract you from their less appealing traits and behaviors.

They use their charisma to win people over, to gain trust and influence. But underneath that captivating exterior, their lack of integrity is lurking.

Charm can be deceiving. It’s what’s beneath that really counts.

7) They’re self-centered

Ever felt like you’re just an extra in someone else’s movie?

That’s often the case when dealing with men who have little integrity. They tend to be self-centered, viewing everything through the lens of their own needs and desires.

Whether it’s a conversation that always circles back to them or a disregard for your feelings and opinions, their self-focus is a constant presence.

This lack of consideration for others not only reveals their lack of integrity but also makes meaningful, mutual relationships a real challenge. After all, it takes two to tango, right?

8) They don’t learn from their mistakes

Here’s the real kicker – men with little integrity rarely learn from their mistakes.

Whether it’s a failed relationship, a lost job, or a ruined friendship, they don’t take these experiences as opportunities for growth. Instead, they continue repeating the same patterns, making the same errors over and over again.

This inability to learn and grow is perhaps the most glaring sign of their lack of integrity. It shows a refusal to self-reflect and evolve, which is crucial for personal development.

We all make mistakes. But it’s what we do with those mistakes that defines our character.

Wrapping it all up

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably realized that men with little integrity can be tough to handle.

But understanding these behaviors can help us make sense of their actions and navigate our relationships with them more effectively.

Integrity isn’t just about honesty. It’s about consistency, reliability, empathy, and the willingness to grow and learn from our mistakes. It’s about treating others with respect and consideration.

When someone lacks these qualities, it’s not just a sign of low integrity. It’s a sign that they’re missing some essential components of what it means to be a decent human being.

Reflect on these behaviors. Recognize them in others. And most importantly, strive not to exhibit them yourself. After all, as the saying goes, the best way to inspire integrity is to demonstrate it.

Picture of Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.


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