4 Strategies to Leverage Your Team’s Strengths

leverage your team's strengths

Before asking if someone is getting the best out of you, ask yourself if you are giving the best out of yourself. This is a question you should ask not just about yourself, but about your employees as well. Getting the best out of someone means recognizing their strengths and using them for a common goal. Your team is full of talented people who have their strengths. But the question is, are you using strategies to leverage your team’s strengths as much as you can?

Unfortunately, a lot of business owners and managers don’t know how to do this properly. But with the right strategies, you won’t make the same mistake.

Let Your Employees’ Voices Be Heard

Did you know that as much as 73% of employees are considering leaving their jobs for one reason or another? Various reasons exist as to why someone lacks satisfaction with their job. And one of those reasons includes not having their voice heard.

The number of people in organizations who feel as if they can’t express their voice is staggering. But if you allow your employees to express everything they deem important freely and without hesitation, you can leverage their voice and strength.

So what exactly is the voice of employee solution, and what makes it so special? It is the practice of letting everyone in an organization speak their mind. 

People whose voices are heard are more focused, organized, engaged, and productive. This type of transparency, openness, and honest communication will also lead to a positive work environment. Nobody will feel out of place, your employees won’t feel threatened by their superiors, and the company culture will improve.

So make sure you listen to your employees, regardless of whether they’re saying something positive or negative. Use your listening skills and their voice to leverage your team’s strengths.

Monitor Your Remote Employees

remote employees strengths

Remote work has become prevalent in organizations all over the world in the past couple of years. Just a few years ago, it was present but not too widespread. But now 85% of managers believe that teams with remote workers will become the new norm.

A lot of managers had issues dealing with this because they don’t know how to make sure they’re leveraging their employees’ strengths when they’re not all under the same roof. Luckily, this isn’t an impossible task, you simply need to know how to do it.

One great way to tackle this issue is to use employee monitoring software. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to hear about companies monitoring remote employees, and while some think it’s all about micromanaging, it’s not. With this type of software, you can also leverage your employees’ strengths.

When you have all of your employees in the same office, you can observe them closely and see what activities they do best. Plus, which strengths and talents they have. However, that becomes impossible when they’re working remotely. That is unless you use this software.

When you monitor their activities, you can see everything you would if they were within the same four walls as you. You will also be able to improve productivity, increase ROI, and ensure accountability.

Pay Attention to Individual Strengths

When an employee understands their own strengths, they are more likely to work harder, be more productive, and take pride in their accomplishments. And if you show that you as their leader understand these strengths, their performance will improve greatly.

It’s important to realize that just like every person is an individual, they also have individual strengths. And if you want to get the most out of your employees, you need to pay close attention to every person on your team. And recognize what makes their strengths special.

Take the time to get to know each of your workers individually, find out what type of work they enjoy, what interests they have outside of work, and what special abilities they possess.

Once you have all this information, you will be able to create a strength-based work environment where each team member has tasks specifically designed for them. In this type of environment, you have the opportunity to let everyone do what they excel at.

You can pair up team members who have complementary yet different strengths and talents. Let them balance their differences and make the most out of every situation.

Offer Coaching and Career Development Courses

coaching and career development

Recognizing and utilizing your employees’ strengths is important. But it’s also essential to realize that those strengths and talents can be improved.

When you see a positive quality in someone, it should be your top priority to find ways to nurture what you see and help employees expand on their talents. To do that, you can pay for your employees to go to attend coaching or a career development course. There, they can learn to improve their talents further.

Learning opportunities and career development are always received well from employees and they’re also a great way to encourage engagement. And as an added bonus, employees who are presented with these types of opportunities are more likely to stay at their current job.

Final Thoughts

If you take pride in your organization, you have probably worked hard to find the perfect employees to fill your open positions. You hired the people you did because they’re talented and have their own strengths that can help your company prosper. Don’t let that go to waste and leverage you team’s strengths.

Picture of Stephanie Jones

Stephanie Jones


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