For years, I grappled with the concept of trusting my instincts.
You know what I’m talking about:
– Those gut feelings
– Intuitive nudges
– That inner voice urging you to make a certain decision.
But how often should we actually listen to these instincts?
I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder of Hack Spirit, and a psychology enthusiast. I’ve spent years trying to figure out the balance between rational thinking and gut instinct.
There were moments when I completely ignored my instincts and paid the price. Other times, I’d follow my gut, only to realize later that a more logical approach would have been better.
But then, I came across fascinating psychological research that shed light on specific situations where trusting our instincts is not just beneficial—it’s essential.
In this article, I’m going to share these ‘7 times in life when the best thing to do is trust your instincts’, according to psychology. It’s my hope that these insights will help you navigate those moments when your intuition is screaming for attention.
Let’s dive right in.
1) Making quick decisions
As humans, we’re wired for survival. Our instincts kick in and help us make split-second decisions in potentially dangerous situations. But beyond life-or-death scenarios, this capacity also applies to our daily lives.
Remember that time you had to choose between two routes to work? Or when you had to decide whether to attend a party or stay at home?
In such situations, our instincts often guide us to the best decision. Overthinking can lead to indecisiveness, stress, and even poor choices.
Psychological studies suggest that our first instinctual choice is usually the correct one. It’s often based on subconscious information that our conscious mind may not be aware of.
So next time you’re in a situation where you need to decide quickly, trust your gut. It’s your brain’s way of using all its stored wisdom to guide you.
2) Choosing a life partner
I remember when I met my partner. There was an instant connection, a sense of familiarity that was hard to put into words. But being the analytical person I am, I spent months dissecting my feelings, questioning if they were rational, or if we were truly compatible.
But the truth is, no amount of logical analysis can truly measure the depth of human connection. Sometimes, your instincts know what’s best for you before your conscious mind does.
As renowned psychologist Carl Jung once said, “Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
In matters of the heart, sometimes it’s best to trust that inner voice. It sees the unspoken words, feels the subtle energies, and understands what truly resonates with your soul.
If you’re choosing a life partner and your gut tells you it’s right—even if on paper it doesn’t seem perfect—trust it. Your instincts may be picking up on compatibility signs that your conscious mind hasn’t yet recognized.
3) Pursuing your passion
I can recall the struggle I faced when deciding whether to pursue my love for psychology and start Hack Spirit. The logical, ‘safe’ choice was to stick with my steady, predictable job. But deep inside, I felt a strong pull towards this new, uncertain path.
There was no guarantee of success and plenty of risks involved. But my instincts were telling me to take the leap, to follow this passion that filled me with excitement and purpose.
I chose to trust my gut, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Despite the challenges, pursuing my passion has brought me immense satisfaction and opened doors I never thought possible.
And if you’re standing at the crossroads of a career decision or contemplating following a passion, listen to that inner voice. It might be guiding you to a path that truly aligns with your purpose and brings you fulfillment beyond measure.
4) Judging someone’s character
I remember meeting a business associate for the first time. On the surface, he was extremely pleasant and charming. However, something deep down gave me an uneasy feeling.
Despite his friendly demeanor, my instincts were signaling caution. I decided to trust my gut feeling, and in retrospect, it was a wise decision. As I later discovered, this individual had a history of deceptive business practices.
According to a study published in the journal “Social Psychological and Personality Science”, our first impressions are often accurate. The study found that people can accurately judge a stranger’s “faithfulness” or “reliability” within a few seconds of interaction.
So, the next time you meet someone and your gut sends you a signal—good or bad—listen to it. Your subconscious mind may be picking up on subtle cues that your conscious mind is yet to process.
5) Navigating through unfamiliar situations
I remember my first trip overseas alone. As an avid traveler, I was thrilled, but also slightly apprehensive about the unknown.
In new cities, I often found myself instinctively choosing one street over another or deciding to explore certain areas while avoiding others. These decisions were purely instinctual, as I didn’t have previous knowledge or experience to rely on.
Interestingly, our instincts are a culmination of our evolutionary learning and past experiences. They help us make sense of new situations and guide us when familiar rules or patterns don’t apply.
When you find yourself in unfamiliar territory and are unsure of the next move, trust your instincts. They’re your brain’s way of helping you adapt and make the best possible decisions in new environments.
6) Trusting your creative instincts
As a writer and founder of Hack Spirit, I often find myself in situations where I have to come up with new ideas or unique content. In these moments, I’ve learned to trust my creative instincts.
There are times when an idea pops into my mind out of nowhere. It may not seem logical, but it feels right. It’s in these moments that I’ve created some of my best work.
Famous psychologist Rollo May once said, “Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations.” Trusting your creative instincts is about embracing this spontaneity, even when it doesn’t make sense.
So the next time you’re working on a creative project and an instinctual idea comes to you, don’t dismiss it. Trust this inner guidance. It might be the spark that leads to something truly original and brilliant.
7) Knowing when not to trust your instincts
As much as our instincts serve us well in many situations, there are times when they can lead us astray. For example, our instinct might be to avoid difficult conversations or confrontations. However, avoiding these situations often leads to more harm than good in the long run.
I’ve learned this the hard way. In the past, I would often avoid tough conversations, hoping the issue would resolve itself. But this approach only led to more confusion and unresolved problems.
A practical tip is to take a step back and assess whether your instinct is serving you or if it’s a reaction based on fear or discomfort. Learning to distinguish between these different types of instincts is crucial.
If your gut tells you to avoid a difficult situation, question it. It may not be the best course of action. Developing this discernment can help ensure your instincts truly work for your benefit.
Trusting your instincts isn’t about ignoring logic or making impulsive decisions. It’s about finding the balance between your conscious thought processes and the deep-seated wisdom that your instincts offer.
Remember, your instincts are a powerful tool honed by evolution and shaped by your experiences. Use them wisely.
My advice? Start paying attention to those gut feelings and intuitive nudges. Reflect on them, especially in the seven situations we’ve discussed. You’ll be surprised at how accurately they guide you.
And remember: it’s just as important to know when not to trust your instincts. Practice discernment and you’ll find that your instincts become an invaluable guide on your journey through life.
So, trust yourself, trust your gut, and watch as doors open that you never even knew were there.