Jellyfish Pictures, a leading light in the animation and VFX production scene, continues to redefine creative boundaries under the leadership of industry veteran, Archie Donato. With offices in London, Sheffield, and Mumbai, Jellyfish Pictures is known for its innovative quality and unique artistic vision.
The company’s portfolio spans Hollywood blockbusters and highly-rated TV series. Jellyfish Pictures’ revolutionary approach is driven by a collective passion for technology and art, always challenging the status quo in animation and visual effects.
Established in 2001, Jellyfish Pictures has earned a stellar industry reputation and has bagged numerous prestigious awards including a BAFTA, an Emmy, and an Annie award. Its projects such as Planet Dinosaur and Black Mirror bear testimony to its commitment to producing visually stunning effects and animations.
Their creative work environment attracts top talent, fostering a culture of innovation.
Jellyfish Pictures: Evolving global animation standards
Despite their impressive achievements, the team at Jellyfish Pictures continually pushes their creative limits, questing to tell visual stories that inspire and mesmerise.
The company has forged successful partnerships with industry titans like Disney, Netflix, DreamWorks, TV+, HBO, BBC, and Amazon. Recently, they expanded their global footprint with a new studio in India, further strengthening their position in the global animation landscape.
Jellyfish Pictures aims to uphold high ethical standards in its operations, seeking B Corp certification. Their projects such as DreamWorks’ Spirit Untamed and How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming, are proof of their unwavering dedication to maintaining integrity whilst delivering superior performance.
With a team of 350 professionals, Jellyfish is currently working on a project for Netflix and Lime Pictures called Wereworld. Jellyfish Originals, the company’s original content division, is also focusing on some intriguing projects, including an animated adaptation of “Toto the Ninja Cat”.
Archie Donato, leading the animation team at Jellyfish Pictures for over two decades, emphasises the diverse complexities within the fields of animation and visual effects. With experience and passion in the industry, he continually explores new ways to bring stories to life with a vibrant visual impact.