A successful content marketing strategy is important for your personal brand to establish yourself as an expert in your niche. Spreading your message across multiple channels will help create even more visibility.
There are several platforms that your brand can publish to for free, which can attract more readers who can be directed to your main website. Publishing fresh, original content that your target market is seeking after is the key to making this more successful.
Cross promoting your articles on other professional websites like LinkedIn, Medium, and guest blogs is not difficult to set up once you know the right requirements for each. Here are several ways your articles can stand out and drive more traffic to your brand’s website:
- Create a professional profile or bio. Before you begin publishing articles or re-purposing articles make sure that your brand’s description is similar to your website and other online profiles with all of the necessary links. A professional head shot should be in place if you are an individual brand or your branded logo. Keep your description simple, to the point, and let your readers know right away what your brand has to offer to them.
- Use the comment system to your advantage. While each blogging platform is unique almost all of them will include a public comments section. Just like on your own blog you should be keeping up with communication there and answer any questions your readers may have. This is an important part of establishing a trusted relationship with your audience and a post that includes your response will garner more comments and shares.
- Write about helpful topics – Your brand will want to keep any sales or public relations articles for your main website or press releases. The goal for publishing on other platforms is to reach your audience in a new way that addresses their specific needs and desires. Helpful tips, industry news, and how-to posts are what readers are looking for.
- Post at least once a week – In addition to your regular blog schedule you will want to create a calendar for your guest posts and other published articles. Your readers will not only know what to expect, but they will see that you are committed to building a great community with them.
Publishing content on other professional platforms is a great way to build your online network as well increase your chances of being seen in content aggregation websites such as Klout, Paper.li, and Google. The more your articles are being discussed and shared the better results your brand will have for visibility.
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