Starting to feel more empowered as a human being goes hand-in-hand with some important behavioral changes.
Trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve held onto habits that kept me stuck in a rut, feeling powerless and unfulfilled.
But, the moment I decided to let go of these behaviors, it was like stepping into a whole new world of personal power.
Embarking on this journey isn’t easy, but I promise you, it’s worth it. Let’s dive in and start reclaiming your power today!
1) People pleasing
Let me tell you, being a people pleaser is one of the quickest routes to feeling disempowered.
You see, when you’re constantly bending over backwards to make others happy, your own needs and desires often get pushed to the backburner.
And before you know it, you’ve lost touch with what you really want in life.
The need for approval can be a tough habit to break, but it’s crucial if you want to start feeling more empowered.
It’s about striking a balance between remaining considerate of others’ feelings, while also respecting your own.
Breaking free from this behavior doesn’t mean turning into a selfish person overnight. It simply means acknowledging that your voice matters too.
When you start prioritizing your own needs and stop chasing validation from others, trust me, you’ll start feeling more powerful and in control of your own life.
So, say goodbye to people pleasing and hello to personal empowerment.
2) Fear of taking risks
Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that a fear of taking risks can leave you feeling stuck and disempowered – I’ve been there.
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I remember when I was offered a promotion at work. Instead of excitement, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread. The new role was a step up, with more responsibilities and challenges. It was a risk, and I was terrified.
I caught myself hesitating, almost ready to turn down the opportunity because it felt safer to stay in my comfortable, familiar role.
But then I realized that by avoiding this risk, I was limiting my own personal growth and empowerment.
Taking that leap of faith was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It was challenging and scary, but it also helped me to grow in ways I’d never imagined.
Letting go of my fear of taking risks empowered me to seize new opportunities and break out of my comfort zone.
If you want to start feeling more empowered as a human being, it’s time to say goodbye to your fear of taking risks.
3) Negative self-talk
Our brains are incredibly powerful tools, but they can also be our worst enemies.
We have around 60,000 thoughts per day, and a large percentage of these are negative. What’s worse, we’re creatures of habit, so we tend to repeat the same thoughts over and over again.
This constant loop of negative self-talk can seriously hinder our feelings of empowerment.
It’s like having a cruel critic in your head, constantly pointing out your flaws and failures.
Replacing this negative chatter with positive affirmations and thoughts can dramatically shift your mindset. You’ll start to feel more confident, capable, and empowered.
4) Living in the past
Living in the past can leave you feeling stuck, unable to move forward and step into your power. It’s easy to dwell on past mistakes, regrets, or ‘the good old days.’
But here’s the thing: you can’t change the past. What’s done is done.
What you can change, however, is how you deal with it.
Ruminating on past events keeps you stuck in a cycle of disempowerment.
Instead, use those experiences as lessons learned. Use them to grow and make better decisions in the future.
The moment you decide to let go of the past and focus on the present moment is when you’ll start feeling more empowered.
Bid farewell to living in the past and start embracing the now.
5) Overthinking
Overthinking is a trap that’s all too easy to fall into. It’s like a whirlwind of thoughts that keeps you stuck, unable to take action or make decisions.
I remember a time when I had to make a significant career decision. Instead of making a choice, I spent weeks caught up in a spiral of overthinking.
I weighed every pro and con, analyzed every possible outcome until I was completely paralyzed by indecision.
It was exhausting and left me feeling powerless. But then I realized, overthinking wasn’t helping me make the right decision – it was preventing me from making any decision at all.
Once I acknowledged this, I was able to break free from the shackles of overthinking. Making decisions became easier and I felt more empowered.
If you want to feel more empowered as a human being, say goodbye to overthinking and hello to decisive action.
6) Comparing yourself to others
In today’s world, where everyone’s life is on display through social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others.
This comparison game can leave you feeling inadequate and disempowered.
Keep in mind, what you see on social media is often a curated highlight reel, not the full story. Everyone has their own unique journey with ups and downs, successes and failures.
By focusing on your own path and celebrating your own successes, no matter how small, you can start to feel more empowered.
Stop comparing yourself to others and start embracing your own unique journey.
7) Not setting boundaries
The inability to set boundaries can leave you feeling drained, disrespected, and disempowered.
It’s crucial to establish clear boundaries with others to protect your energy, time, and personal space.
By doing so, you’re not only showing respect for yourself but also teaching others how to respect you.
When you prioritize your own well-being and stand up for yourself, you’ll start to feel more empowered.
Final thoughts: It starts with you
At the core of feeling empowered lies one fundamental truth – it starts with you.
Empowerment isn’t something that’s handed to us on a silver platter. It’s a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and most importantly, self-love.
As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” The same applies to feeling empowered.
No one can make you feel empowered unless you allow it.
By letting go of these 7 disempowering behaviors, you’re taking the reins of your own life. You’re making a conscious choice to value yourself, to respect yourself, and to empower yourself.
Remember, it’s not an overnight process – it takes time and patience.
But with each passing day, as you bid farewell to these behaviors, you’ll feel a little more powerful, a little more confident, and a lot more in control of your own life.
So here’s to your empowerment journey. Here’s to embracing your worth and stepping into your power.
Because ultimately, empowerment is an inside job – and it starts with you.