If you want more clarity in life, start by simplifying your surroundings

Life can feel like a constant whirlwind of chaos, can’t it? Cluttered spaces, cluttered mind – that’s the saying.

So, how do you find clarity amidst all the noise? Start by simplifying your surroundings.

Yes, making your space less cluttered can actually help create a clear headspace. It’s not just about tidying up, it’s about designing an environment that fuels focus and clarity.

In this article “If you want more clarity in life, start by simplifying your surroundings”, I’ll share some simple yet effective ways to declutter your physical space and how it can lead to a clearer mind. Let’s get started.

1) Eliminate the excess

It’s all too easy to accumulate stuff, isn’t it? And before you know it, you’re living amidst a pile of things that you don’t really need.

Just like a cluttered desk can hinder your productivity, a cluttered home can cloud your mind. This is where simplifying comes into play.

The concept of decluttering isn’t new. Marie Kondo made it popular with her KonMari method and the idea that we should only keep things that “spark joy”.

But it’s more than just about joy. It’s about creating an environment that helps you think clearly. So, look around you. Do you see items that are no longer useful or meaningful? It’s time to let go of them.

By eliminating the excess, you’re creating space – both physically and mentally. And this space can be filled with thoughts that matter, ideas that inspire, and actions that lead to your goals.

Remember, simplifying your surroundings isn’t just about tidying up – it’s about intentionality. It’s about making room for clarity in your life.

2) Create a dedicated workspace

I used to think I could work anywhere. The couch, my bed, even the kitchen table. But I noticed that my productivity was dipping and my mind felt foggy all the time.

That’s when I decided to create a dedicated workspace in my home.

I started by clearing out a corner of my living room. It was where piles of unread magazines and random knick-knacks had made their home. I removed all the clutter and brought in a simple desk and chair.

Then, I kept only the essentials on my desk: my laptop, a notepad, and a pen. The rest, like my phone and other distractions, were kept out of sight.

The result was remarkable. Having a clean, uncluttered workspace helped me focus better. My thoughts were clearer, my ideas flowed easier, and I felt more efficient.

Creating this dedicated workspace didn’t just simplify my surroundings, it decluttered my mind too. It’s proof that our environment greatly influences our mental state. So, if you’re seeking clarity in life, start by creating a space that encourages it.

3) Embrace natural light

Did you know that exposure to natural light can improve your mood, productivity, and overall well-being? Yes, something as simple as opening your curtains can have a profound impact on your clarity of thought.

Natural light triggers the production of serotonin, a hormone that boosts our mood and helps us feel calm and focused. So, by allowing more natural light into your home or workspace, you’re not just brightening the room – you’re also brightening your mood and mind.

Think about rearranging your furniture to take advantage of the sunlight. Or maybe it’s time to ditch those heavy, dark curtains for something lighter and more translucent.

Remember, a well-lit space is a happy space. And a happy space leads to a clearer mind.

4) Incorporate greenery

Introducing plants into your environment isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s a simple step towards mental clarity. Plants are known to reduce stress, increase productivity and improve air quality, all of which contribute to a clearer mind.

It doesn’t have to be an indoor jungle, just a plant or two can make a difference. Choose a low-maintenance variety if gardening isn’t your thing, like a snake plant or a hearty succulent.

By bringing the outdoors in, you’re not only adding a touch of nature to your surroundings, but you’re also creating an environment that promotes tranquility and clarity.

So go ahead, add some greenery to your space. Your mind will thank you.

5) Create a sanctuary

Your home should be more than just a place to eat and sleep. It should be a sanctuary – a place where you can retreat from the world and find peace.

Imagine coming home after a long, stressful day to a space that’s warm, welcoming and calming. A space that’s been thoughtfully arranged to invite relaxation and clarity of thought.

Maybe it’s a cozy reading nook with your favourite books, a quiet corner with a comfortable chair and soft lighting for meditation, or a simple, uncluttered bedroom that promotes restful sleep.

Creating this sanctuary requires intention and mindfulness. It’s about choosing items and arrangements that reflect tranquility and inspire peace.

And when you succeed in creating this sanctuary, you’ll find that clarity comes more easily. Because in a space that nurtures your well-being, your mind has the freedom to roam, explore and find clarity.

6) Practice mindful decluttering

I’ll be honest – I used to be a bit of a hoarder. My home was cluttered with things I didn’t need, didn’t use, but held onto “just in case”. And it was taking a toll on my mental clarity.

That changed when I started practicing mindful decluttering.

Mindful decluttering is about being present and intentional in the process of eliminating clutter. It’s not just about throwing things away, it’s about understanding why you’re holding onto them.

As I sorted through my belongings, I asked myself why I was keeping each item. Was it because it brought me joy or served a purpose? Or was it because I was scared to let go?

This process was therapeutic. It wasn’t just my home that was getting decluttered, but my mind as well. Letting go of physical clutter helped me let go of mental clutter too.

So if you’re looking for clarity in life, try mindful decluttering. It could be the key to unlocking a clearer mind and a simpler life.

7) Establish routines

Routines can be powerful tools for simplifying our lives and bringing clarity. They provide structure to our day, reduce the need for decision-making, and free up mental space for more important things.

Start with a morning routine. It could be as simple as making your bed, having a healthy breakfast, or taking a few minutes to meditate. This sets the tone for the rest of your day and helps you start on a positive note.

Similarly, an evening routine can help you wind down and prepare for a good night’s sleep. This could involve a digital detox, reading a book, or practicing some gentle yoga.

By establishing routines, you’re creating predictability in your day. And with less chaos and uncertainty, there’s more room for clarity.

8) Keep it sustainable

The most important thing to remember when simplifying your surroundings is to keep it sustainable. It’s not about a one-time decluttering spree or a temporary change. It’s about creating a lifestyle that supports clarity and simplicity.

This means making conscious choices about what you bring into your space, developing habits that help maintain order, and continuously reassessing and adjusting your surroundings to serve your needs.

Sustainability ensures that the changes you make today continue to support your pursuit of clarity in the long run. So, go slow, be mindful, and remember – simplicity is a journey, not a destination.

Final thoughts: It’s a journey

The journey towards clarity in life by simplifying your surroundings isn’t a straight path, it’s a winding road with ups and downs. But isn’t that the beauty of it?

Every item you choose to keep or let go of, every space you decide to declutter or rearrange, and every routine you establish or change – they all contribute to your journey towards a clearer mind and life.

The renowned architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, once said, “Less is more”. This simple phrase captures the essence of our pursuit. By embracing less, we’re making room for more – more focus, more tranquility, more clarity.

So as you embark on this journey of simplification, remember to be patient with yourself. Take it one step at a time. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

And most importantly, remember that clarity isn’t a destination you arrive at, but a state of mind you cultivate along the way.

Picture of Graeme Richards

Graeme Richards


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