Navigating the world of emotions can be like trying to decipher a complex code. But, some people seem to have an uncanny knack for it. They can read emotions like a book, and respond in just the right way.
These are the folks with high emotional intelligence (EI). They have this almost supernatural ability to understand and manage both their own and others’ emotions.
So, how can you spot someone with exceptionally high EI? There are certain telltale signs that give them away.
In this article, we’re going to delve into “If someone displays these 8 signs, they have exceptionally high emotional intelligence”. Keep reading and you might just find out that somebody you know fits the bill.
1) They show empathy
One of the most prominent signs of high emotional intelligence is empathy.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s not just about being able to see things from another person’s perspective, but also about feeling what they’re feeling.
Those with high EI don’t just understand your emotions; they feel them too. They can put themselves in your shoes and genuinely relate to what you are going through.
If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone and felt like they truly understood and shared your feelings, chances are you were dealing with a person with high emotional intelligence.
This empathetic response is not something they have to consciously work at; it comes naturally to them. It’s a part of their emotional toolkit, and it’s why they are often the ones people turn to for advice or comfort.
But remember, being empathetic doesn’t mean they let emotions cloud their judgement. They can feel deeply, yet think clearly – that’s the real power of emotional intelligence.
2) They’re acutely self-aware
People with high emotional intelligence have an incredible sense of self-awareness. They are in tune with their feelings and emotions and understand why they feel a certain way.
I’ve personally experienced this with a close friend of mine. She has this amazing ability to not just acknowledge her emotions but also analyze them.
I remember one time when we were planning a trip, and she was feeling particularly stressed. Instead of letting that stress take over, she took a step back and asked herself why she was feeling that way.
She realized that it was because she was worried about the budget and the logistics of the trip. Having pinpointed the source of her stress, she was then able to come up with a plan to alleviate it.
This level of self-awareness allowed her not only to understand her emotions but also to manage them effectively. And that’s a clear sign of exceptionally high emotional intelligence.
3) They practice active listening
In our fast-paced world, where multitasking is the norm, active listening is a rare skill. But it’s a skill that people with high emotional intelligence have mastered.
Active listening isn’t just about hearing the words; it’s about understanding the meaning behind them. It involves paying attention, not interrupting, and responding thoughtfully to what’s being said.
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People with high emotional intelligence do this exceptionally well. They don’t just listen; they absorb, digest, and respond.
And here’s something you might not know: according to a study by Wright State University, active listening is linked to higher job satisfaction, better job performance, and lower levels of stress.
So the next time you find yourself in a conversation with someone who really listens to you, take note. They may just be demonstrating their high emotional intelligence.
4) They’re excellent at managing their emotions
Having emotions is one thing, managing them is a different ball game altogether. But it’s a game that those with high emotional intelligence play exceptionally well.
They are not ruled by their emotions. Instead, they rule their emotions. They know when to let their feelings guide them and when to keep them in check.
This doesn’t mean they suppress their feelings. Far from it. They allow themselves to feel, but they don’t let these feelings cloud their judgement or dictate their actions.
Whether it’s extreme joy, anger, sadness, or any other emotion, they handle these feelings gracefully and appropriately.
Their ability to manage their emotions helps them maintain balance in their lives, navigate through challenges and make wise decisions. It’s a clear sign of exceptionally high emotional intelligence.
5) They are kind and considerate
Emotional intelligence isn’t just about understanding and managing emotions, it’s also about how we express these emotions towards others.
People with high emotional intelligence are often characterized by their kindness and consideration. They’re the ones who’ll notice when you’re having a tough day and offer words of comfort. They’re the ones who’ll put their own problems aside to help you with yours.
Their kindness isn’t just superficial. It comes from a place of genuine understanding and empathy for what others are going through.
They don’t just sympathize, they empathize. They don’t just hear, they listen. And they don’t just speak, they comfort.
This kindness and consideration is a reflection of their high emotional intelligence. It shows that they not only understand their own emotions but also have the capacity to understand and respond to the emotions of others in a meaningful way.
6) They take responsibility for their actions
One trait I’ve noticed in people with high emotional intelligence is their willingness to take responsibility for their actions. They don’t shy away from admitting their mistakes or taking the blame when they’re at fault.
I remember a time when I messed up at work. I was handling a project and due to a misunderstanding, I ended up missing an important deadline. Instead of making excuses or blaming others, I owned up to my mistake.
Taking responsibility wasn’t easy, but it was the right thing to do. It not only resolved the issue faster but also earned me the respect of my colleagues.
People with high emotional intelligence understand that mistakes are a part of life. They see them as opportunities to learn and grow rather than something to be feared or avoided.
Their willingness to be accountable for their actions is a clear sign of their maturity and emotional intelligence.
7) They handle criticism well
Criticism, whether constructive or otherwise, can be tough to handle. But those with high emotional intelligence have the ability to deal with it in a positive way.
They don’t take criticism personally. Instead, they see it as an opportunity to learn and improve. They’re able to separate the criticism from their self-worth and use it as a tool for personal growth.
Furthermore, they’re not just good at receiving criticism; they’re also tactful when giving it. They know how to deliver feedback in a way that’s helpful rather than hurtful.
This ability to handle criticism, both giving and receiving, is a clear indicator of high emotional intelligence. It shows a level of self-confidence and resilience that’s truly admirable.
8) They’re adaptable
Life is unpredictable, throwing curveballs when we least expect them. But those with high emotional intelligence are well-equipped to handle these changes. They’re adaptable.
Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions quickly and efficiently. It’s about being flexible and open to change.
People with high emotional intelligence excel at this. They’re not rigid or stuck in their ways. They take change in stride, adjusting their emotions and responses accordingly.
Being adaptable allows them to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience. It’s perhaps the clearest sign of high emotional intelligence, showing a profound understanding of themselves and their emotions that enables them to thrive, no matter what life throws at them.
Final thoughts: It’s a journey
The path to emotional intelligence isn’t a straight line, but rather a winding journey filled with learning opportunities.
Emotional intelligence is not a trait you’re born with; it’s a skill that’s honed over time. It’s a product of life’s experiences, both good and bad. It’s about learning from your emotions, not just feeling them.
Remember, having high emotional intelligence doesn’t mean you’re immune to emotional pain or turmoil. It means you’re better equipped to handle it.
It’s about acknowledging your feelings, understanding them, and then using this understanding to navigate through life more effectively.
The signs we’ve discussed are not definitive proof of high emotional intelligence. They are simply indicators. But if you see them in yourself or others, it’s a good sign that there’s a high level of emotional intelligence at play.
So, take some time to reflect on these signs. Do they remind you of someone or perhaps even yourself? Could there be room for growth in certain areas? Consider this as an opportunity for introspection and self-improvement.
Because in the end, the journey towards emotional intelligence is as much about knowing others as it is about knowing oneself.