If a man uses these 8 phrases in a conversation, he still carries emotional baggage from the past

We’ve all heard the saying, “The past is in the past.”

But what happens when it’s not?

For many men, certain phrases can be telltale signs that emotional wounds are still very much present. Whether it’s a casual comment or a subtle reaction in conversation, these expressions can reveal more than intended, hinting at unresolved issues that are affecting their present lives.

If you’ve noticed someone using these phrases—or even caught yourself saying them—it might be time to reflect on the emotional baggage that’s still weighing you down.

1) “I’m fine, really”

Conversations are an art, an intricate dance of words and emotions.

They’re a way for us to express how we feel, what we think, and who we are. But sometimes, the words that come out of our mouths don’t exactly match what we’re feeling on the inside.

Take the phrase “I’m fine, really”. It’s a common response when someone asks how we’re doing. But when it comes from a man who’s been carrying around a backpack full of emotional baggage from his past, it means something entirely different.

It’s his way of putting up a wall, of avoiding the real conversation about what’s really going on inside his head. When he says “I’m fine”, he’s really saying “I don’t want to talk about it”.

This is one of those subtle signs that he might still be wrestling with unresolved issues from his past. Not necessarily a red flag, but definitely something to keep an eye on.

2) “It’s not a big deal”

Another phrase that’s often a telltale sign of hidden emotional baggage is “It’s not a big deal”.

I’ve heard this phrase countless times, from friends, colleagues, even from my own lips. And every time I hear it, I can’t help but wonder what’s really going on beneath the surface.

There was a time when I was dating this guy who would say this all the time. He would brush off arguments, avoid discussions about our relationship, and even disregard his own feelings with this simple phrase.

He’d say it with such conviction that I almost believed him. But the more he said it, the more I realized that it was his way of avoiding the real issues at hand.

He wasn’t just brushing off the argument or the discussion, he was brushing off his own emotional baggage. It was his way of telling me and himself that he didn’t want to deal with whatever was lurking in his past.

That simple phrase, “It’s not a big deal”, was a big deal indeed. It was a mask for the unresolved issues he was carrying around, a mask that I eventually learned to see through.

3) “I don’t want to talk about it”

The renowned psychotherapist Carl Jung once said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” This quote holds a profound truth about the power of our unresolved issues and emotional baggage.

When a man often insists, “I don’t want to talk about it”, he’s not just shutting down a conversation. He’s shutting out an opportunity to bring his unconscious feelings into the light.

This phrase is like a fortress protecting the unresolved issues from his past. It’s his way of saying that he’d rather keep those hidden aspects of himself tucked away, even if they continue to influence his present.

With every “I don’t want to talk about it”, he’s reinforcing the walls around his emotional baggage, letting it dictate his reactions and choices subconsciously. Just like Jung suggested, he’s allowing his untamed past to shape his present and future.

4) “I’m just tired”

“I’m just tired” is one such vague statement that could be an indication of something deeper.

When a man often uses this phrase, it might not be physical exhaustion he’s referring to but an emotional fatigue from carrying around unresolved issues from his past.

He may be tired from the constant effort it takes to keep his emotional baggage tucked away, or worn out from the strain of letting it subtly influence his everyday life.

So next time he says, “I’m just tired”, it might be worth considering what kind of fatigue he’s actually experiencing.

5) “It doesn’t matter”

The phrase “it doesn’t matter” can sometimes be a deceptively simple one.

In conversations, when a man frequently resorts to saying, “it doesn’t matter”, it’s often a sign that he is dismissing his own feelings or emotions. It’s like a reflexive shield that springs up whenever he’s confronted with something that stirs his emotional baggage.

What he’s essentially saying with this phrase is that his feelings, thoughts, or experiences don’t hold enough value to be discussed or acknowledged.

And more often than not, this dismissal stems from a deep-seated belief that’s been shaped by unresolved issues from his past.

This phrase is his way of distancing himself from his emotional baggage, of pretending that it’s insignificant or non-existent. But the more he uses it, the more he reinforces the power of his unresolved issues.

6) “I don’t care”

Three little words. “I don’t care.” They can seem dismissive, detached, even defensive. And often, they are.

When a man frequently uses the phrase “I don’t care” in conversations, it’s often a sign that he’s not just brushing off the topic at hand. He might be trying to distance himself from emotions or memories that are too painful or difficult to confront.

This phrase is his defense mechanism, his way of shielding himself from the emotional turmoil that bubbles up whenever certain issues get too close for comfort. It’s his way of saying “I don’t want to feel” because feeling would mean facing the unresolved issues from his past.

7) “Never mind”

The phrase “never mind” can be a powerful tool in conversations. It’s a way of quickly retreating from a topic, a quick escape route when things get too personal or too close to the emotional bone.

When a man frequently uses “never mind” in conversations, it may be an indication that he’s pulling back from delving into areas that stir up his emotional baggage. He might start sharing something, but then suddenly withdraw with a “never mind”, leaving the thought or feeling unexpressed.

This phrase acts as his safety net, allowing him to avoid dealing with the discomfort that comes from confronting unresolved issues from his past. It’s his attempt to keep the conversation—and his emotions—on safer ground.

So, if you notice him often saying “never mind”, it might be a sign that he’s still carrying around emotional baggage that he’s not ready or willing to unpack.

8) “I’m okay”

Perhaps one of the most commonly used phrases in conversations is “I’m okay”. It’s a phrase that’s often used to reassure others, to keep things light, and to avoid delving into deeper emotional territory.

When a man repeatedly assures you that he’s okay, it can sometimes be a sign that he’s anything but. It might be his way of deflecting attention away from his emotional state, or a means to avoid facing the unresolved issues from his past.

“I’m okay” is his shield, his way of maintaining a facade of strength and composure even when he’s struggling inside. It’s his attempt to convince not just you, but himself that he has successfully compartmentalized and controlled his emotional baggage.

Final thoughts

Navigating the labyrinth of human emotions and conversations is a challenging task. If you’ve recognized these phrases in a man’s dialogue, it’s possible he’s carrying emotional baggage from his past.

But understanding is the first step towards compassion and support. It’s not about judging or blaming, but about empathizing and being there for him.

Begin by acknowledging the power these phrases hold. They’re not just words; they’re windows into his emotional world, offering glimpses of the unresolved issues he’s grappling with.

Be that listener for him. Provide that safe space where he can express himself freely.

It might not be easy, and it might take time. But your understanding can make a world of difference in his journey towards healing and growth.

Picture of Isabelle Chase

Isabelle Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.


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