I Would Rather Shoot at Fish in a Barrel

This is not a new idea but I think it needs reinforcement in the world of personal branding. The idea is the concept of location based social networking and small being the new BIG.

Chris Brogan has a post that further enforces my idea that SMALL is the new BIG in Social Media. His post entitled Do You Have To Touch Every Conversation? talks about the importance of fishing where the FISH are located. As a fisherman you would not try to cover the ENTIRE ocean. What would you do? Try and find the right spot with the majority of the fish. It doesn’t make sound business sense to cover the entire expanse of ocean. This is also covered extensively in the book Blue Ocean Strategy.

The same applies to using social media in the world of personal branding.  As a user you do not have the ability to cover every conversation online and you shouldn’t feel like you have to . You do not have to be on every social media platform. As a business owner or job seeker it is extremely important that you focus on a set amount of networks and use them to the best of your ability.

You do not need to be on LinkedIN, Plaxo, Facebook, Myspace, Pownce, Twitter, blah blah blah. Pick a niche geographic social network like Smaller Indiana (for the Hoosiers among us) and three global networks. Examples: LinkedIN, Plaxo, Twitter, and Facebook.

To quote Chris Brogan:

“…the goal should be to fish where your fish are, to do what you plan to do, and to do it well…”

Well said. I would much rather shoot fish in a barrel than cast a line in the entire ocean. This is the difference between career building and searching on universal sites like Career Builder and actually using your local networks.

Picture of Kyle Lacy

Kyle Lacy

Kyle Lacy writes a regular blog at KyleLacy.com and is founder and CEO of Brandswag, a social media strategy and training company. His blog has been featured on Wall Street Journal’s website and Read Write Web’s daily blog journal. Recently, Kyle was voted as one of the top 150 social media blogs in the world (on two websites), and produces regular keynote speeches across the Midwest. He also just finished writing Twitter Marketing for Dummies by Wiley Publishing.


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