How to Make Money with Your Blog

If you have taken the leap and started up a blog, then you will be pleased to know that you can actually make money from your blog. You may have started blogging without even thinking about the money-making aspect too much. However, this is a very real possibility. There are a few steps you can take to achieve this. We will be covering a few of these in the article below, so stay tuned. 

Create High Calibre Content

It can be easy to get caught up with the goal of making money from your blog. However, all of this won’t matter unless you create high-quality content. The better your content is, the easier it will be for you to make money online. 

You should think about the formatting of your blog posts. The presentation of information plays a big part in how it is absorbed by your readers. You will need to think about and master various formats like list posts, ‘how to’ posts and more. The type of post will depend on the topic you’re writing about. 

In addition, make sure that you are writing a post that is genuinely delivering value to your readers. Your goal should be to make the lives of your readers a little better because of the information you have provided. Doing these things will set you apart and make it easy to monetize your blog. You’re past the stage of figuring out how to start your blog. It’s time to start pumping out some killer content.

Find Your Ideal Reader and Attract Them To Your Blog

In the early stages of getting started with your blog, you should think about the type of reader that you want to read your blog. What type of blogs do they read? Do they participate in certain forums? Maybe they’re active listeners to certain podcasts or active in certain social media circles. 

Whatever the case may be, you should make a list of the platforms where your ideal reader is likely to hang out. After doing this, then you can take action to attract potential readers who fit your criteria to your blog.

If they read certain blogs, then consider guest blogging for these sites. You can also engage with their podcast and forum communities. You can also engage with their social media circles meaningfully, making sure to mention your blog. These actions can lead to tangible increases in the amount of traffic directed to your blog. 

Keep Readers Engaged

Another important aspect of making money from blogging is making sure that your readers are kept engaged. If you don’t do this, they may check out your blog once and then leave without generating any income for you. If you do keep them engaged, then they will spend more time on your blog and spread the word about your blog. 

Engaged readers will be more likely to purchase products and services that you have for sale. You will also be more likely to make money from the other monetization strategies which we will discuss in the following section.

Implement a Few Monetization Strategies

It’s important that you carry out the foundation work described in the sections above. By doing these things, you will be able to use some of the monetization strategies we will discuss below. 


Depending on the level of traffic passing through your blog, you may be able to make some decent coin through running ads using an ad network like Google AdSense.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs can be a lucrative way of generating income. Consider placing appropriate links where appropriate on your blog and you can make money this way. How this works is, if someone follows your link to a product and makes a purchase, you will be given a commission on that sale.

Services and Products

You can generate income selling services and products which complement your blog content. For example, you can consider selling ebooks that go in-depth on topics you cover on your blog. You can also sell physical merchandise to help promote your brand. 

Wrapping Up

There are several foundational steps you will need to take on your journey to generate money from your blog. Creating high Calibre content is crucial. Attracting readers to your blog and keeping the readers you attract are also important steps that need to be taken. 

After building up your foundation, you will be able to take advantage of monetization strategies like generating ad income from ad networks like Google Adsense, using affiliate programs to make money, and selling services and products. 

Keep in mind that executing these strategies won’t happen overnight. So please don’t get discouraged and keep pushing onwards.

Picture of Stephanie Jones

Stephanie Jones


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