Have You Ever Thought About Becoming an Entrepreneur?

If you don’t have the courage and will power to turn your idea into a product, then you always stay as a daydreamer. You need to take action and start executing your idea in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Recently I met with someone who has a great entrepreneurial idea about a food product. He would like to start producing a very popular dish from another country and sell it during lunch time in crowded industrial areas in the United States. He did all of the research and calculated the investment he needs and when he can get a return for this investment. The investment he needs is not a big amount of money. He can quickly gather this amount from family and friends or launch a Kickstarter campaign.

As an entrepreneur, I tried to encourage him to start his own business and turn his idea into a marketable product. However, whatever I said, he always found an excuse not to execute his project. He said he doesn’t have a co-founder, he doesn’t want to deal with a Kickstarter campaign, he doesn’t know the food industry very well and so on.

If you always find excuses in life, then you can never move forward in your career and you always stay in the same place. It doesn’t matter if you went to an ivy-league school or you only hold a high-school degree. You need to have the will power and courage to start and then keep moving on with your plans. This condition is a must for everything. Even if you want to work in a different task in your workplace, you need to have the will power to take action and work toward it.

I meet with “wanna be” entrepreneurs a lot and those are generally dreamers and not do-ers. Dreamers commonly only talk about how great their idea is and how successful they can become if someone invests them a few hundred thousand dollars to build their product. Nevertheless, they never take any action to implement their idea and make at least a prototype. They keep finding excuses as if someone or something else is holding them back for not to start.

Dreaming is great only if you can execute and turn your dreams into something tangible. Otherwise, you will always stay as a daydreamer. Don’t be a daydreamer. Believe in yourself that you can do it and turn your idea into a real business. Once you start, you will see that sooner or later opportunities will come by itself.

You will also learn a lot of new skills in this journey and grow your personal brand more than you can grow in a full-time job. Therefore, I recommend everyone who wants to become an entrepreneur to try it once and if they are not sure about it yet, at least they should work in a start-up where they can get a taste of entrepreneurship.

Picture of Ceren Cubukcu

Ceren Cubukcu

Ceren Cubukcu is a top 5 bestselling author of Make Your American Dream A Reality: How to Find a Job as an International Student in the United States. She recently founded her consulting business to help more international students find jobs in the US in addition to her self-service digital event ticketing platform, Etkinlik Fabrikam (My Event Factory), to offer her webinars. 


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