Got Social Mediology? A Review

got socialUnlike many business books of this generation, Got Social Mediology? by Jay Izso is a high-energy take on the importance of social media and how to use the top four platforms to best connect as a means of increasing ROI. As a holder of a Master of Science in Experimental Psychology, Izso has used his knowledge of the human condition to craft a work that addresses an area that is still rather uncomfortable for many business – social media. Through a superb breakdown of its importance in the current business landscape, even the most staunch doubters will be swayed to finally engage through this technological medium.

Once the barrier of distrusting social media is breached, the book then further expands into the three big names of social media –  LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. There’s even a brief section dedicated to Pinterest, Google+ and YouTube as potential avenues of engagement. With this approach, it’s the perfect resource for those that are otherwise timid when it comes to utilizing the potential of social media by painting it as more than just a passing phase.

Passing Paid-For

The entire thesis of this book rests on the concept that companies don’t need to spend any money on increasing their ROI if they have yet to tap the potential of the social media markets. To do this, Izso spends the first quarter of his book painstakingly outlining the verifiable importance of social media in today’s economic economy. Through tips and bullet points, he takes what he knows of psychology and uses that to explain why and how social media is an effective and successful marketing tool.

To that extent, however, this limits the audience of the books. In truth, these introductory chapters make it out to be more for those that aren’t already sold on the idea of social media marketing. This is understandable since, as a consultant, he no doubt deals with many companies that still aren’t entirely sold on the fact that ROI can be increased without pouring money into more marketing.

From here, though, the book then does become an extremely useful tool for those that want further insight into the worlds of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. More specifically, it acts as a guide for the three platforms and how to go about using them correctly since each one comes with its own set of interactions. By then describing the various behaviors users expect based on platform and technology used, companies can then enter into the social media stage ready to succeed if only by avoiding many pitfalls companies often fall prey to.

Focus Your Strengths

One aspect of this book that really lends to its credibility is the simple fact that Izso doesn’t advise to sign up for every type of social media account out there. In fact, his advice is contrary. Instead of wasting time trying to cast a large net where potential customers may be, cast a smaller net in a limited space where you know your customers hang out. Your business will do much better with their ROI goals using only one major social media choice than trying to manage all.

The reasoning behind this is Izso’s stance that an effective medial platform is one where you can successfully build strong relationships as a means of increasing business. If your marketers are stretched thin trying to engage on numerous sites, the relationships will only sit at a shallow level. Limit this to build relationship depth and you have a recipe for success. Even if you don’t have a large spread of engaged audience members, the fact that you continually post increases your SEO and the chance you’ll be found by new clients.

In a nutshell, Got Social Mediology? is a spot on take in regards to the importance of utilizing those social media platforms that will most benefit your business. Only through realistic relationship building and continual reminders that your company is active in the community will you achieve an increased ROI for no additional stresses on the budget. Combine this with understanding the psychology of what consumers want from the different platforms and you have an amazing guide book as you try to navigate your way through oftentimes confusing and overwhelming lingo unique to each site. This book provides a sound, beginner’s introduction to harnessing the potential of social media.

Picture of Maria Elena Duron

Maria Elena Duron

Maria Elena Duron, is managing editor of the Personal Branding Blog, CEO (chief engagement officer) of buzz2bucks– a word of mouth marketing firm, and a professional speaker and trainer on developing social networks that work. She provides workshops, webinars, seminars and direct services that help create conversation, connection, credibility, community and commerce around your brand.  Maria Duron is founder and moderator of #brandchat- a weekly Twitter chat focused on every aspect of branding that is recognized by Mashable as one the 15 Essential Twitter Chats for Social Media Marketers.


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