Do You Have a 2011 Personal Branding Reading Plan?

Do you have a 2011 personal branding reading plan that lists the books you intend to read each month?

A 2011 reading plan will increase the likelihood you will read the personal brand building books you intend to–and should read–this year.

Your reading plan should include the titles you intend to read and the specific months when you’re going to read each title.

Simply taking the time to create a list of personal branding books during each month increases the likelihood you’ll follow-through on your intention, and provides an easy to to track your progress.

The idea came to me in an e-mail sent to me by Joel Whitaker, who publishes the Newsletter on Newsletters for subscription newsletter publishers.

Joel’s e-mail contained a link to the Booking It in 2011 Life as Mom blog post that containing the 2011 reading list and a link to a free, no registration required, downloadable PDF describing the program.

Lessons from the Booking It in 2011 blog post

The original blog post is very detailed, but some of the the highlights I gained from it include:

  • Two tracks. One track provides recommended books for each month, the other track allows you to determine the titles you’re going to read each month.
  • Lessons from the recommended titles. Pay particular to the recommended book titles when you visit the Life as Mom Booking It blog post. Analyze each title from the point of view of benefit, target marketing, and brand building.
  • Community building and accountability. If you download the Booking It in 2011 PDF, pay attention to the quality of writing and graphic design, as well as the way the PDF helps users translate intention to read into monthly reading successes.

Other lessons that Booking It teaches…

The above are just a few of the impressions I gained from reading the blog post. What are some of the other ideas, lessons, or tips you discovered in the blog post and downloadable PDF? Hint: explore the links contained on the blog post. In addition, consider sharing your list of the personal branding books you intend to read during 2011! Please share your discoveries and ideas as comments, below.


Roger C. Parker is a book coach who blogs every weekday and helps readers choose the right article, book, & event titles for personal branding success.

Picture of Roger Parker

Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.


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