If you tolerate these 8 behaviors from people, you’re probably struggling with self-respect

There’s a fine line between being kind and letting others walk all over you.

This boundary comes down to self-respect.

Tolerating certain behavior from others, often stems from a lack of self-esteem, where you permit people to treat you less than you deserve.

Recognizing these behaviors is the first step towards reclaiming your worth.

And insightful individuals understand that there are particular behaviors that should never be tolerated.

Below, I’ll outline eight such behaviors. If you’ve been putting up with these, it’s likely you’re struggling with self-respect.

But don’t worry – it’s never too late to turn things around.

1) Constant criticism

It’s one thing to take constructive feedback; it’s another to endure incessant nitpicking.

Everyone encounters critics in their lives.

But when someone is continuously criticizing you, it can significantly impact your self-esteem.

It’s essential to distinguish between constructive criticism, which aids personal growth, and destructive criticism, which simply tears you down.

Notably, those who respect themselves won’t tolerate the latter.

They understand that everyone has flaws and that no one has the right to constantly belittle others.

If you find yourself regularly on the receiving end of unrelenting criticism, it might be a sign that you’re struggling with self-respect.

But it’s your right to stand up for yourself and demand respect.

No one deserves to be perpetually criticized.

2) Disregard for personal boundaries

Let me share a personal experience with you.

A few years back, I had a friend who would constantly invade my personal space.

Whether it was showing up unannounced or endlessly borrowing my things without asking, the disrespect for my boundaries was apparent.

I felt uncomfortable but brushed it off, thinking that’s just how they were.

But over time, I realized that tolerating such behavior was chipping away at my self-respect.

Setting boundaries is a crucial part of maintaining self-respect.

It signals to others what we’re comfortable with and what we’re not.

If you find people continually crossing your boundaries, it’s an indication that they might not respect you.

And if you’re allowing this to happen without voicing your discomfort, it’s likely that you’re struggling with self-respect.

3) Lack of support

There’s a study that found being surrounded by supportive friends and family can extend life expectancy by almost 50%.

This underscores the importance of having a supportive network in our lives.

Support is not just about cheering you on when you’re successful, but also about standing by you during tough times.

If you’re surrounded by people who only show up during your highs but disappear during your lows, it’s a problematic behavior that should not be tolerated.

A lack of support can make you feel unimportant or unworthy.

Everyone deserves a network of people who provide emotional support and encouragement.

4) Permitting disrespectful behavior

Resilience is not just about bouncing back from adversity; it’s also about standing strong against disrespectful behavior.

It’s about understanding your worth and not letting others devalue you.

In my book, The Art of Resilience: A Practical Guide to Developing Mental Toughness, I delve into the importance of self-respect in cultivating mental toughness.

One of the key points I emphasize is that tolerating disrespect from others can significantly undermine your resilience.

If you are constantly putting up with derogatory comments, belittling jokes, or any form of disrespect, it’s a sign that you’re struggling with self-respect.

Part of being resilient is standing up for yourself and demanding the respect you deserve.

So next time someone disrespects you, remember to draw on your inner strength and assert your worth.

5) Neglecting your needs

I remember a time when I would often put others’ needs before my own.

It felt like the right thing to do, to be selfless, to be the one always ready to lend a helping hand.

But in doing so, I was neglecting my own needs and desires.

This behavior of always prioritizing others over oneself can be harmful in the long run.

It’s like always filling others’ cups while leaving your own empty.

Research indicates that consistently neglecting one’s own needs in favor of others can lead to diminished self-worth and feelings of emptiness.

It’s essential to take care of yourself first.

Only then can you effectively take care of others.

6) Accepting false apologies

Here’s something that might surprise you – accepting false apologies can be an indication of low self-respect.

We’ve all been in situations where we receive an apology that doesn’t feel sincere.

Perhaps it’s a casual “sorry” thrown in without any change in behavior or a blanket apology without any acknowledgment of what went wrong.

While it might seem noble to accept these apologies to maintain peace, doing so can often undermine your self-respect.

By accepting a false apology, you’re essentially giving someone a free pass to repeat their offensive behavior.

7) Tolerating gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where someone manipulates you into doubting your own reality or sanity.

It’s a cruel tactic that can leave you feeling confused and questioning your own perceptions.

If you’re putting up with gaslighting, it’s a serious sign of struggling with self-respect.

You might feel trapped or afraid to stand up for yourself, believing the distorted reality presented to you.

Research indicates that gaslighting can lead to diminished self-esteem and increased anxiety, further eroding one’s sense of self-worth.

It’s important to remember that everyone deserves to be heard and validated.

If you suspect you’re being gaslighted, seek help.

Reach out to trusted friends, family, or professional counselors who can provide support and validation.

8) Allowing emotional blackmail

Emotional blackmail is a powerful form of manipulation where someone uses your feelings as a tool to control or manipulate you.

It’s a toxic behavior that no one should have to endure.

If you’re tolerating emotional blackmail, it’s a clear sign that you’re struggling with self-respect.

The most important thing to remember is that your emotions are not a bargaining chip.

You have a right to your feelings, and no one should use them against you.

Stand firm against emotional blackmail.

It’s not easy, but it’s crucial for your self-worth and mental health.

You deserve respect, love, and kindness – don’t settle for anything less.

Respect starts with you

When it comes to human interaction and relationships, self-respect holds a crucial place.

It’s the foundation upon which all other respect is built.

If you’re tolerating these eight behaviors from others, it’s likely that you’re grappling with your sense of self-respect.

But, remember, respect starts with you.

You set the standard for how others treat you.

In my book, The Art of Resilience: A Practical Guide to Developing Mental Toughness, I discuss the importance of self-respect in building resilience and mental toughness.

Recognizing your worth and standing up for yourself is a fundamental aspect of resilience.

As you reflect on these points, consider your own interactions and relationships.

Are there areas where you’re compromising your self-respect?

If so, remember that it’s never too late to assert your worth and demand the respect you deserve.

The journey of self-respect begins with recognizing your value and understanding that no one has the right to undermine it.

You deserve respect and kindness – don’t ever forget that.

Picture of Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham, based in Auckland, writes about the psychology behind everyday decisions and life choices. His perspective is grounded in the belief that understanding oneself is the key to better decision-making. Lucas’s articles are a mix of personal anecdotes and observations, offering readers relatable and down-to-earth advice.


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