Hearing criticism of your proud moment is the worst critique of all, and it is also embarrassing to be reprimanded for an error in front of an entire group. But, with a positive mindset, it is wise to reflect upon those very remarks to truly hear what is being said.
Sometimes it is the most hurtful remark that produces the best path we never before considered. The outcome proves to be fortuitous. For example, in my own case, it was a nasty remark hurled at me that propelled me to become a published author. The sojourn spiraled business upward.
To help guide you to your next step, questions are provided for serious consideration
Contemplate Each week take time to reflect on the past week’s activities, and then answer the following questions:
– Of all the activities, which weren’t worth the effort?
– Did I receive recognition on something specific?
– Which results made me the most proud?
– Are my proudest moments and best results a starting point for creating something extra special along with a new long-term vision?
Factually monitoring activities is another method to recognize where tweaks, turns and new beginnings may be to your advantage. Monitor the areas that you enjoy most to see if they are merely a hobby or they are contributing to your bottom line. And for each new strategy implemented carefully look at those benchmarks as well. It will soon become evident where to spend the majority of time. The next step is to consider getting help for those tasks you least enjoy but find necessary.
Most entrepreneurs begin solo, but it soon becomes apparent that other teammates are a necessity. For example, you might have created a marketing strategy company, but are in need of someone who knows how to fix software issues and update websites, or of someone familiar with selling services. Aligning with people who have similar values to your own, willing to provide their best effort and insights, and who are dependable when need arises, are essential qualities to seek out in order for everyone to move forward successfully. Your team should complement your personal brand in order to successfully move forward together.
Wisdom Heard
The best advice heard was to concentrate on the work you enjoy most. Doing so has you cheerfully looking forward to work each morning and persevering to find new and better paths. One of the biggest rewards is the similar minded people you meet along the way.
Take the Challenge
Take the challenge to focus on your favorite part of work. Is it possible to leverage that piece into a larger vision with the promise of it becoming highly rewarding?
In your quiet time, create a file with the one word that describes the endeavor you most enjoy. Next, add all of the synonyms and related keywords to build the idea out. With the list complete, are you able to see a trend for where you truly wish to be headed?
Begin charting your new course now to find the Smooth Sale!