Creating Momentum in Brand Building

As I’ve blogged about recently, it’s important to keep up branding resolutions, add personal social media profiles to a corporate website, follow branding rules for entrepreneurs, and so forth.

And all of these ideas should be followed to ensure a complete branding across the social web. However, many of these rules assume you have fully complete profiles, a good amount of activity and you are regularly interacting on the social web. But, that’s easier said than done.

Goals, content and interests

When you first attempt to build your brand, you need to establish your goals, content and interests. From day one begin reaching out to followers/interact with them. This takes time and effort. Not a full days worth. But could be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour a day or even more. It could be as little as 15 minutes a day. But it requires daily work. That’s the only way content and interactions are created.

So then you do all of this, but you don’t reach all your goals. Fatigue sets in. Other interests take priority. Even though it’s only “15 minutes a day”, you find that the effort isn’t worth it – you prioritize other activity over building your brand.

Only way to stop that is to re-start and continue. You can only build a brand by working on it regularly. Brands aren’t built and last forever – just look at any major “iconic” consumer or business brand.  Same rules apply for your personal brand.

Consistent and constant

With SEO and Google, it becomes much easier than before for people to find you and your thoughts. No longer you can’t be found unless you hire a professional firm. Social media and blog posts are being picked up by Google and are beginning to influence search results. The more search results your personal brand gets on, the more exposure for your brand and your business come about.

And that’s why we’re all here. To build our business.

Picture of Ben Cathers

Ben Cathers

Ben Cathers is the co-founder of – an outsourced social media provider (smo). He is the co-founder of three startups before he was 19 years old. Ben is the author of Conversations with Teen Entrepreneurs and was named in 2005 by CNN as a member of “America’s Bright Future.”  Ben has been quoted/featured in the Wall Street Journal, FOX News, ABC News, CBS News, Yahoo! Internet Life, The London Sunday Times and in over 40 different publications. 


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