Category: Sound Branding

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Learning from Henry Ford | Productivity Tips for Personal Branding


Unlike most individuals interested in building their personal brands in today’s world, Henry Ford didn’t reinvent the wheel every time he produced a car.

Rather, Henry Ford created an efficient system, or process, for building and selling cars.

Once he perfected the system, he was able to refine and fine-tune the process until his …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

7 Questions to Ask Before You Start to Write

Ask yourself the following questions before you start to write your next article, blog post, or book to build your personal brand.

The questions may appear to be simple, but always pausing to answer them can help you save time by focusing your attention on the key issues that determine the success of your writing …

authors cornerBrand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

Is Your Personal Brand Going to Make You Obsolete?

Caution: Is your personal brand going to drive your success throughout your working life, or–at some point–is your brand going to make you obsolete?

Today, thanks to Dan Schawbel’s pioneering efforts, a lot of attention is paid to building personal brands. An equal amount of attention is paid to addressing the issues involved in maintaining …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

Avoid the “Curse of the Expert” While Brand Building

When building your personal brand, try to avoid the 7 undesirable traits often associated with experts.


I’ve been reading Nance Rosen’s recent articles, like How Does Your Personal Brand Sound?  Her series does a wonderful job of describing behaviors that undermine, rather than build, personal brands.

As she’s pointed out, often simple attitudes or …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

7 Writing Tips for Personal Brand Building Success

The writing habits that got you this far in your career may not be enough for personal branding success!

As we progressed through high school and college, few of us have had either the opportunity, or the necessity, to develop strong, efficient writing habits.

Last minute was usually good enough to obtain passing grades–or better–on …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

7 Tips for Writing & Publishing Your First Ebook

Writing and publishing an ebook is proven success strategy for branding yourself as an expert in your field.

Ebooks offer a significantly faster branding strategy than previous publishing options.

Although success is never guaranteed, the 7 tips that follow, however, will increase the likelihood of your personal branding success during today’s period of rapid change.…

Relationships & Personal GrowthSocial MediaSound Branding

The Future of ‘Engagement’ in the Social Media

As we discussed in last week’s post (and indeed thank you all for your comments and ‘engaging with me’ here and on Twitter and elsewhere), the hype and excessive emphasis on engagement for social media strategies – to the exclusion of other necessary elements for brands both commercial and personal that need to focus on …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSound Branding

The Zen Garden of Your Brand

Whether you are a millennial joining the ranks of those seeking their first job, a baby boomer reinventing yourself with a ‘second youth’ in sight or anything in between, personal branding can be instrumental in taking hold of your personal and professional development and achieving your goals without sacrificing your unique personality and style. And …