If You Suck, Your Personal Brand Does, Too
Personal branding is not shameless, endless self-promotion. It’s not direct messaging me with your faux request to “take this IQ test and see if you’re smarter than me.” It’s not directing me to your website with every post. It’s not seeing yourself as the epicenter of everything to do with your industry, category, talent, idea, …
Secrets to Getting More Referrals – Part 2
Getting referrals and attracting opportunities from people you connect with both in person and online comes down to being highly referable.
Last week I posed some questions to help you assess your referability factor. The first three test whether you’re giving contacts enough information to make the referral:
Can contacts…You Speak, I Cry Inside. Personal Branding Never Sleeps.
It’s time to do a mind-sweep, because what you think is gushing out of your mouth and into your texts, tweets, posts, and email. That self-talk you’ve got going is killing your chances to connect with the opportunities that are all around you. Personal branding is a 24/7/365 effort – because if you do it …
Secrets to Getting More Referrals – Part 1
Do you need new customers or clients but can’t seem to get enough of them? People generally want to make referrals when they can. It feels good to be able to connect those who can help with those who need that help. But, you need to make it as easy as …
Conversation is King
Anyone who spends any time or resources online has heard the saying “content is king”. That, though, is so Web 1.0.
To succeed in being visible and memorable in the Web 2.0 world, conversation is king. And, it’s about engaging conversation not just one sided “walking commercials”. The key to anyone’s success is communication and …
If You Can Say It, You Can Live It
If you can’t tell people what you do, then you won’t be doing it much longer. If you can’t articulate what you want to do, then you won’t ever be doing it. But, if you can – well, I found out you are one in about 150 people who can complete this sentence:
I am: …
Tell Us: Who Should You Thank Today?
With the news last week about the shootings at Fort Hood and the unemployment rate soaring into double digits for the first time since the 1980s, it’s so easy to stay focused on the bad things happening around us and never take a moment to reflect on the good things that have kept us going …
Conversations: The Other Social Media
As far as houseguests go, the one we had this week was benign. No extra meals to cook, no extra housework, and really no disruption in our lives as usual. However, he was unnerving. He didn’t speak to us. He wasn’t mad. He just didn’t make conversation, and frankly, he’s been here before and I …
Building Relationships Organically – Part 4
All things being equal, we prefer to do business with those we know, like and trust. And all things not being equal, many of us would still prefer to do business with those we know, like and trust. I heard this said at a panel discussion recently and I couldn’t agree more.…
Are You Fun to Advocate For?
Much of the time we talk about ways to be connected, referred, recommended and advocated for. From logistics, strategy and tactics, there are many valuable tips and posts! Yet, there’s a basic question that we often fail to address and that is….am I fun to advocate for?
When someone speaks positively on your behalf, engages …