Category: Networking

NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Successful Networkers Respect Boundaries: Etiquette and Tact Pay Off!

There is a delicate balance between self-promoting and promoting with tact and appropriateness. If you pay close attention to the signals you’re receiving from peers and colleagues you can learn when someone truly wants advice or information about your product/service and when they’re not really interested.  Ask yourself the question; Is it worth investing energy …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

How to Develop Thought Leadership

Thought leadership in an industry is important to generate inbound leads and have clients come to you. Sales is thought of traditionally as a result of cold-calling or cold-emailing — purely from hard work in developing relationships and pushing for the sale. But the smart marketer or salesperson understands that sales conversions greatly increase when …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly and Let Your Brand Flag Fly

Personal Branding Weekly

This week I met an entrepreneur/car salesman.  He was beginning his business and working at a dealership while building his business.  Of course, I gravitated towards his story and found it hard to focus on the actual purchasing discussions wanting to spend more time on discussing his entrepreneurial endeavors.  Then came the …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Personal Branding Weekly and the Importance of Fit

Personal Branding Weekly

The title from Jeff Shuey’s post this week, Don’t Get Mad….Get Productive, served as our mantra this week.  From another announcement by Best Buy of bringing employees from home back to the office to the supersized cover photo changes on Google+ and Facebook’s newsfeed change announcements, there was quick a bit of …