Can You List Your Personal Brand Attributes?

I think one of the more useful exercises in personal brand discovery is listing your brand attributes. How do you describe your personal brand? Today, I want to quickly go over the reason for choosing various attributes (personality adjectives, qualities), by using myself as an example. I want all of you to write down at least three of your attributes. Feel free to blog about your attributes or comment on this post, sharing your attributes with other readers of this blog.

“Brand Attributes: Functional or emotional associations that are assigned to a brand by its customers and prospects. Brand attributes can be either negative or positive and can have varying degrees of relevance and importance to different customer segments.” –

Why do we need to define our attributes?

As brands, we have to constantly describe ourselves to others, through online and offline means. Aside from filming a video or using imagery, few bio’s on blogs, websites or social networks really describe the individual. In essence, our attributes define us and people judge us based on first impressions, so we need to listen for feedback, as well as project THE RIGHT attributes to others. Personally, I use my attributes on my resume, website and blog because they capture my personal brand in very few words.

My brand attributes as an example

  • Goofy: I have a very loud contagious laugh and say really random things sometimes.
  • Animated: If you’ve seen my podcasts, you can probably tell that I use my hands a lot to convey my message. Sometimes I use them too much, but it’s partly because I get really excited and have passion for my subject area.
  • Resourceful: When it comes to being a connector or answering someones question, I can get things done very quickly. I have a robust network, which has skills in various areas and can answer your questions, if I cannot myself.
  • Creative: I like to come up with new ideas and implement them. I’m also a graphic designer and web developer by trade. I do the covers for Personal Branding Magazine, as well as most of the graphics on my websites.
  • Ambitious: I have really big goals in life, such as making sure every single college on earth teaches students about personal branding before they graduate. I’ve been running this blog for two years, and also have a magazine, awards, a TV podcast series, an upcoming book and more.
  • Prolific: I’m a heavy content producer, including ten blog posts a week, videos, interviews, etc.
  • Energetic: If you’re ever met me, then you know I’m high energy. My passion fuels my desire to work as hard as I do. Energy is an important attribute for me because it connects to my personality. You certainly wouldn’t be bored around me (unless you hated personal branding).

It’s your turn! What are your brand attributes?

Picture of Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success (St. Martin’s Press) and the #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan Publishing), which combined have been translated into 15 languages.


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