Business Lessons Entrepreneurs can Learn from the Movie ‘Joy’


I was on a three-hour flight at the beginning of this week and I watched the movie ‘Joy’ during my flight. The movie turned out to be much better than I expected with full of life and business lessons. Therefore, as soon as I got back I wanted to share with you my findings from the movie. Below you can find 4 key lessons that I learned from the movie ‘Joy’.

  • Believe in Yourself: You have to keep believing in yourself no matter what. Otherwise, you cannot succeed. There will be many people around you who will say ‘You cannot do it.’ Don’t let that people discourage you. That is because they want you to keep the status quo you are in and don’t want you to change your life for the better. You have to keep pushing forward to pursue your dreams. If you truly believe in yourself, you will always find a way out.
  • Nobody can Sell it Better: You are the best salesperson for your own product and nobody can sell it as good as yourself. You dream about it, design it and create it. That is why you know the product better than anyone else. The salesperson doesn’t know it and cannot understand it as much as you do. Therefore, it won’t be realistic to expect from the salesperson to sell it better than you. You also feel passionate for it and want people to use it. That is why you can sell it better than anyone else because people feel your passion and that feeling sells your product.
  • Have a Professional Team of Advisors: You may have a loving family and friends but this doesn’t mean they are suitable to be your business partners. Always work with real professionals when it comes to legal and financial issues. Otherwise, you may encounter with problems in the future. The people around you may be ready to give you advice but don’t forget that this advice may not be the right one and unfortunately, you cannot know it until you speak with a real expert.
  • Never Give Up: Learn to say ‘No’ to others and never give up. Reject failure and always look for another way out. Remember, building a business is a long journey that requires hard work. You may lose money at the beginning but as long as you have sales and people who want your product, don’t give up and keep investing in your business as much as you can. It may take years to finally become profitable but once it is, it will worth all the pain that you had.
Picture of Ceren Cubukcu

Ceren Cubukcu

Ceren Cubukcu is a top 5 bestselling author of Make Your American Dream A Reality: How to Find a Job as an International Student in the United States. She recently founded her consulting business to help more international students find jobs in the US in addition to her self-service digital event ticketing platform, Etkinlik Fabrikam (My Event Factory), to offer her webinars. 


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