Being Persuasive, Personable and Positive During the Interview Process

With the economy significantly improving, launching a successful job search has become slightly less labor intensive. Regardless, job seekers who are looking to execute a fruitful employment search in today’s corporate environment ought to become familiar with advanced interviewing, persuasion and positivity strategies. If used properly, these tactics yield a higher salary, heightened confidence and more interest from a diverse group of employers.

In order to encompass all three aspects, it’s important to discuss what makes someone more persuasive, personable and positive while interviewing.

Becoming More Persuasive During the Interviewing Process

People hire individuals whom they like.  In order to become persuasive, it’s imperative to know the psychological factors that influence other people’s interest levels.

1. Familiarity breeds fondness, not contempt. Playing hard to get during the interview process (i.e. not following up with a thank you note or waiting a day to respond to emails or calls) will have the opposite of the desired effect.

Numerous studies have shown that with repeat positive exposure (that is, the more you interact with someone) the more someone will like you.

2. Since the ability to persuade hinges on the the interviewer liking you to some extent, understanding the basic yet crucial concept of reciprocal affection is key.

Studies have shown that people tend to like others who like them.  When an interviewer finds that you think well of them, they are more apt to make a job offer, pay a higher salary and be flexible on other employment demands such as vacation days or benefit disbursement.

3. Focus on similarities.  In the world of persuasion, like attracts like. Whether it be a similar experience you share with the interviewer, a similar corporate background, or education, focus on aspects where you and the hiring manager or sales recruitment professional are alike.

Making a Positive Impression by Dealing Effectively with Others

If you want to become successful in your career and your job search, develop a deep, driving desire to learn and a vigorous determination to increase your ability to deal with others.  Here are 3 tips to get you started:

1. Bait the fish with the right food. Dale Carnegie makes a highly apt statement when he alludes to the fact that you can’t bait a fish with a strawberry, but rather you must use worm.

Stop thinking about what you want and focus on what the hiring manager wants.  Some of the most capable employees fail to interview well because they lack the ability to envision the needs of the organization and tailor their approach accordingly.

Worry about conveying your aptitude for the job now and getting the money you want later. Once you deliver on the needs of the employer or recruitment professional, your ability to negotiate a salary significantly increases.

2. Give honest and sincere appreciation.  Regardless of whether they are in sales, accounting, marketing or recruitment, each person whom you interview with will share one thing in common: the need to feel appreciated.

When you meet the receptionist, co-workers of the interviewer, and especially the interviewer, thank them for their time. Also, remember that everyone likes a sincere compliment.

3. Become genuinely interested in the interviewer, recruiter or hiring manager. You can make a better impression by becoming interested in other people than you can trying to get others interested in you.

I’ve found that when a new client calls or I help a job seeker prepare for an employment search, they are much less interested in learning why I’m qualified to help them, but rather much more thrilled with the fact that I ask them about their accomplishments.

By asking the interviewer how they started with the company or what they enjoy most about working for the organization, you are much more apt to persuade than if you were to ask them why you would benefit from working at the company.

Building Confidence by Staying in a Positive State of Mind

Any sales professional will tell you that their numbers significantly rise or fall with their expectations. Much of this stems from the fact that individuals who expect negative outcomes become less resilient, utilize a mere fraction of their creative mindset and appear less confident in front of a potential buyer.

Interviewing is no different. It is imperative to remain in a state of mind that will allow you to continue driving toward your job search goals and see them through to completion.

Here are 3 tips to prevent thoughts that fix our attention to negative expectations:

1. Begin to understand that if you do not believe in your own abilities, you are inevitably going to contend with something less than you are capable of.  Because the blows of life sap energy and leave you discouraged, your true potential is never realized.

2. Learn to stop yourself from buying into negative thoughts. When you find destructive thoughts circling in your head, you can say to yourself, “Stop, I’ll think this over later.”  By putting them off, you can fully focus on the task at hand, giving you a higher chance of success and therefore building your confidence.

3. Begin to write down your negative feelings.  The process of writing them down will dilute their power and allow you to set a time to confront the problems rather than ruminating on them.

Launching a Successful Job Search in Today’s Corporate Environment

Because corporate is a stressful place full of individuals looking out for their own best interests, it’s imperative to equip yourself with the necessary skills in order to be able to carry out a successful job search.

Remember, the more personal you are, the more persuasive you can be, and by engaging in positive relationships with employers, the easier it is to remain optimistic.

Picture of Ken Sundheim

Ken Sundheim

Ken Sundheim is the CEO of KAS Placement Sales and Marketing Recruiters, a sales and marketing recruiting firm specializing in staffing business development and marketing professionals around the U.S. Ken has been published in Forbes, Chicago Tribune, AOL, Business Insider,,, Huffington Post and many others. He has also appeared on MTV, Fox Business News and spoken at some of the country's leading business schools on HR, job search and recruitment.


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