8 behaviors of people who feel that life hasn’t been fair to them, according to psychology

Life isn’t always fair, but some people carry that belief in ways that shape their behavior.

Those who feel life has treated them unfairly often show distinct patterns—like harboring resentment, constantly comparing themselves to others, or avoiding risks.

These behaviors can reveal a deeper struggle with their circumstances.

Through my exploration, I’ve unearthed some fascinating insights, which I’m going to share in this article.

1) Dwelling on past injustices

It’s natural to reflect on past experiences, but for those who feel life has been unfair, this often turns into dwelling on past injustices.

They continuously relive these moments, each time amplifying the pain and the feeling of being wronged. This mindset creates a feedback loop of negativity.

By constantly revisiting these experiences, they reinforce their belief that life is unjust, and this colors their perception of new experiences plus, it’s a key indicator of a person who feels life has been unfair.

It can lead to feelings of victimhood and prevent them from taking necessary actions to improve their situation.

The key to breaking free from this cycle is acceptance and forgiveness. Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning the wrongs done to you but acknowledging them as a part of your past.

Forgiveness is about letting go of resentment and making peace with your past.

Don’t let your past dictate your future. Acknowledge it, learn from it, and then let it go. Your past may have shaped you, but it does not define you.

2) Blaming others for their circumstances

People who believe life has been unfair to them often have a tendency to place blame on others for their circumstances.

They may feel that they’ve been dealt a bad hand, and it’s easy to externalize this as the fault of others.

This is a defense mechanism, a way of protecting themselves from the uncomfortable truth that we are largely responsible for our own lives.

By blaming others, they can avoid confronting their own role in their situation.

However, personal responsibility is essential for growth and transformation.

When we accept that we have control over our actions and responses, we empower ourselves to make changes and move forward.

As the Dalai Lama once said, “When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.”

3) Remaining trapped in societal conditioning

Those who feel life is unfair often remain trapped in societal conditioning, feeling powerless to change their circumstances.

However, breaking free from these mental constraints is possible and can bring about profound transformation.

The “Free Your Mind” masterclass with shaman Rudá Iandê, which I personally helped to produce, provides a unique approach to overcoming these limitations.

This masterclass takes you on a journey to dismantle societal myths and self-imposed restrictions, paving the way for greater authenticity and freedom.

Participants learn to align their thoughts and actions with their personal values, leading to improved mental clarity and emotional resilience.

A key exercise in the masterclass focuses on shifting your mindset from one of frustration and guilt to love and acceptance.

The teachings of Rudá Iandê aim to help people embrace their true nature and potential.

I believe deeply in the transformative power of these teachings, and I am committed to making them accessible. Check out the Free Your Mind masterclass if you’re interested in breaking free from societal conditioning.

Don’t let societal expectations define your life’s path. Embrace the power within you to create a life that aligns with your values and desires.

Start your journey today by exploring the Free Your Mind masterclass.

4) Succumbing to self-imposed limitations

Another common behavior among those who feel life has been unfair is succumbing to self-imposed limitations.

These are the invisible barriers we set for ourselves, often as a result of past experiences or societal conditioning.

These self-imposed limitations can significantly stifle our growth and potential. They can make us feel stuck, unable to move forward, and reinforce the belief that life isn’t fair.

Breaking free from these limitations involves challenging our beliefs about what we can achieve and who we can become. It requires honesty, courage, and a willingness to venture out of our comfort zones.

This raw and honest reflection is not easy but it’s a vital step towards reclaiming your power and creating the life you desire.

After all, if we are not limited by our own thoughts, what could we potentially achieve?

Let me leave you with this question to ponder: What self-imposed limitations are holding you back from living the life you truly desire?

5) Resisting change and clinging to comfort

In the face of life’s unfairness, many people resist change and cling to their comfort zones. Ironically, this resistance can exacerbate feelings of injustice.

Change is a natural part of life. It’s through change that we grow, learn, and evolve.

But for those who feel life has been unfair, the fear of change often overrides the potential benefits it holds.

Resisting change can keep us stuck in patterns that no longer serve us. By clinging to our comfort zones, we deny ourselves the opportunity to grow and transform.

While stepping out of your comfort zone can feel daunting, it’s a necessary step towards creating a life that aligns with your deepest values.

Growth doesn’t happen within our comfort zones but at its edges. Don’t let fear stand in the way of your growth. Embrace change as an opportunity for transformation and personal evolution.

After all, the only constant in life is change, so we might as well learn to navigate it with grace and resilience.

6) Seeing themselves as victims

A prominent behavior among people who feel life hasn’t been fair to them is seeing themselves as victims.

The victim mindset can be incredibly debilitating, keeping individuals stuck in a cycle of negativity and helplessness.

This mindset often stems from past experiences where they’ve been wronged or treated unfairly.

While these experiences are undoubtedly painful, clinging to the victim identity can prolong the suffering and prevent healing.

The shift from victimhood to empowerment is a challenging but necessary journey. It involves recognizing our capacity to influence our circumstances and taking responsibility for our actions and responses.

We may not have control over what happens to us, but we do have control over how we respond.

By shifting from a victim mindset to one of empowerment, we can reclaim our agency and start creating a life that aligns with our values.

7) Neglecting their own needs

Those who feel life has been unfair often neglect their own needs, as they put others’ needs before their own or believe they don’t deserve to prioritize themselves.

This can lead to feelings of resentment and further reinforce the belief that life is unjust.

Self-care and self-love are essential for wellbeing and resilience. Neglecting our own needs can leave us feeling depleted, making it even harder to deal with life’s challenges.

By prioritizing our own needs, we are better equipped to handle life’s ups and downs and contribute positively toward others’ lives.

8) Holding onto resentment

Lastly, those who feel life has been unfair often hold onto resentment.

This might be towards specific individuals who’ve wronged them, or towards life in general for not meeting their expectations.

Holding onto resentment is like carrying a heavy burden—it weighs down on you and keeps you stuck in the past.

Letting go of resentment is a key step towards healing and creating a more positive future.

In the wise words of Nelson Mandela, “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

It’s time to put down the poison and begin the process of healing. Letting go of resentment allows for growth, forgiveness, and the opportunity to create a life that aligns with our deepest values.

Unlocking the power of perspective

Acceptance and personal responsibility are key in this journey. Accepting that life isn’t always fair and taking responsibility for our actions and reactions empowers us to create change.

By challenging our own perceptions, we can transform feelings of victimhood into feelings of empowerment and resilience.

To further dive into this transformative process, I encourage you to explore the free “Free Your Mind” masterclass with Rudá Iandê.

This masterclass, which I was deeply involved in producing, is designed to help you dismantle societal myths, overcome self-imposed limitations, and embrace your true potential.

Rudá Iandê’s teachings provide a profound approach to personal development, fostering mental clarity and emotional resilience.

Participants learn to align their thoughts and actions with their personal values, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

To start your journey towards mental and emotional liberation, check out the Free Your Mind masterclass.

Life may not always be fair, but how we respond to its challenges defines our journey.

So why not equip yourself with the tools to navigate this journey with resilience, authenticity, and freedom?

Picture of Justin Brown

Justin Brown


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