Be Accountable For Your Mistakes: It Feels Great!

Being accountable can be cathartic and even exhilarating if you realize it’s a path to fulfillment! -Beth Kuhel

“Stop blaming and start aiming.” ― Rob Liano

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!  No one cares about your excuses! Just get over yourself and realize that the best thing to do when you make a mistake is to accept responsibility for it and develop a game plan so you won’t repeat it! Every week I set an hour aside to review my past week and consider what I did well and where I could improve.  My personal goal is to avoid repeating mistakes and to learn from my errs whenever possible. For those of you who are committed to growing both on a professional and personal level, I recommend you start by reviewing the positive things you’ve accomplished and list all your strengths (include things you like about yourself and list the strengths you possess that others have pointed out to you). This will reinforce in your mind that most of the time you’re doing things right. Once you recognize your good qualities you may then be  more open to areas where you can improve.

Listing your strengths and then listing a few areas which you want to improve is an accounting of sorts: You’ll increase your clarity by writing it down so you can see your strengths, successes and where you may have fallen short. Sometimes our emotions can interfere with reality. This systematic approach of making a list of strengths and limitations eliminates excessive self-criticism or blind self-aggrandizement.

By taking an objective look at your flaws you can develop a more strategic approach to fixing your mistakes and growing from them. There’s no need for denial or embarrassment for noting your flaws. In fact, the most confident people are ones who can see themselves clearly and are comfortable seeking help when necessary to improve. We all have areas of greatness and areas in which we could improve. There’s no shame in making mistakes but there is in denying that we’ve made them. If the list formula isn’t enough to propel you into action, try the formula I use with for myself and with my clients. It’s an effective strategy for changing a behavior that holds you back from achieving your personal greatness:

The ARCS method for becoming accountable:

A   Accept that you’ve made a mistake

R   Regret the behavior

C   Commit to making a change

S   Substitute a new behavior in its place

Don’t be afraid to try this strategy at home and see how you’ll become a more fully actualized, accountable person in all aspects of your life. Your friends, family and coworkers will surely notice a positive difference and don’t be surprised if they follow your example!

Picture of Beth Kuhel

Beth Kuhel

Beth Kuhel, M.B.A., C.E.I.P., Executive Leadership and Career transition coach, writes about leadership strategies, career advancement and improving the workplace for Forbes, Huffington Post, Personal Branding blog and has been featured in Business Insider, Entrepreneur magazine, Tiny Pulse, U.S. News & World Report. Beth’s weekly career CJN career column was sponsored by Weatherhead School of Management.


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