Avoid Desk Job Weight Gain

shutterstock_227788783As technology takes an ever increasing role in work, so does the amount of time workers sit. Long periods of sitting can not only lead to weight gain, but also health risks.  The increase in sedentary jobs has accelerated the obesity rate, which in turn increases ones risk of diabetes, hypertension and more. This can lead to an increase in health care costs and days lost to illness. However, there are actions you can take to ward off desk job weight gain and corresponding health risks.

1) Move every 60 to 90 minutes. There are online countdown timers you can set to go off as a reminder to get up and move. Movement can vary from a few minutes of stretching or yoga, taking a short walk around your office building or going up and down a flight of stairs.

2) Take advantage of other options to move more. Park your car away from your destination and walk to your office. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Pack your lunch and walk to a local park or other location to eat.

3) Drink fewer calories. Research shows caffeine from soda, coffee and tea can offer a pick-me-up when energy is draining, but avoid fancy drinks with lots of calories and sugar. Whenever possible drink water. If you want the fizz of soda, drink seltzer water.

4) Pack your lunch. Buying lunch from restaurants or vending machines speeds up weight gain in a sedentary life. These meals are usually packed with fats, processed ingredients and sugars. Instead, bring healthy lunches that have lean protein, healthy carbs, and fruits and veggies. Not only will you save on calories, but you’ll be giving your body nutrients it needs and saving money.

5) Avoid the vending machine and unhealthy snacks. Bring nuts or fruit instead of grabbing a candy bar or chips.

6) Dump technology whenever possible. Do you text or email people in the next cubicle or office? Instead, get up and see them in person.

6) Stand while you work. Many offices now offer adjustable desks that allow you stand instead of sit.

Poor work habits not only impact personal health, but business health as well. However, a few tweaks at work can help you avoid desk job weight gain and health issues.

Picture of Leslie Truex

Leslie Truex

Leslie Truex is a career design expert who has been helping people find or create work that fits their lifestyle goals since 1998 through her website Work-At-Home Success. She is the author of “The Work-At-Home Success Bible” and “Jobs Online: How To Find a Get Hired to a Work-At-Home Job”. She's appeared on CNN.com, Fox Business, Redbook and a host of other media outlets discussing telecommuting, home business and other flexible career option. She speaks regularly on career-related topics, including telecommuting, home business, marketing, personal development and authorship. Learn more about her at LeslieTruex.com.


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