Author: Tara Whitmore

Tara Whitmore is a psychologist based in Melbourne, with a passion for helping people build healthier relationships and navigate life’s emotional ups and downs. Her articles blend practical psychology with relatable insights, offering readers guidance on everything from communication skills to managing stress in everyday life. When Tara isn’t busy writing or working with clients, she loves to unwind by practicing yoga or trying her hand at pottery—anything that lets her get creative and stay mindful.
Confidence & Appearance

9 personality traits of promiscuous people, says a psychologist

As a psychologist, I’ve observed that everyone has different approaches to relationships and intimacy.

Some people are monogamous, while others are more promiscuous.

Promiscuity refers to those who engage in casual relationships and sexual activities more frequently and with multiple partners.

While there’s no judgment here, it’s essential to understand that promiscuous individuals may exhibit …

Relationships & Personal Growth

8 situations in life when the best answer is “no,” according to psychology

Saying “no” can feel uncomfortable, especially in a world that often encourages people to be agreeable and accommodating.

Yet, according to psychology, there are moments when saying “no” is not only the best option but also essential for our well-being.

Whether it’s protecting your time, boundaries, or mental health, the power of a well-timed “no” …

Confidence & AppearanceDating

8 subtle signs your partner only really cares about themselves, says a psychologist

As humans, we crave connection, understanding and mutual respect in our relationships. But sometimes, we find ourselves with a partner who seems more focused on their own needs than ours.

This can lead to feelings of frustration, confusion and even loneliness.

I’m referring to those relationships where one partner appears to only really care about …

Confidence & Appearance

8 subtle behaviors of people who raise respectful and confident children, says a psychologist

Raising respectful and confident children often comes down to the small, consistent behaviors parents model every day.

These subtle actions create an environment of trust, support, and self-assurance, helping children develop a strong sense of self and respect for others.

According to psychologists, such as myself, here are eight subtle behaviors of parents who successfully …

Confidence & Appearance

People who are in their 70s but look much younger usually display these 8 habits (according to psychology)

When you see someone in their 70s who looks decades younger, you’re intrigued. After all, age is the one thing we can’t escape, right? Well, not quite.

You see, the human body is an incredible thing. And with the right habits, it’s more than capable of defying the aging process.

Now, some individuals do this …

Confidence & Appearance

9 phrases dishonest and insincere people love to use, according to psychology

Dishonest and insincere people often rely on specific phrases to manipulate, deflect, or disguise their true intentions.

These phrases may seem harmless at first but can reveal patterns of deceit or emotional detachment over time.

According to psychology, recognizing these verbal cues can help you identify when someone isn’t being truthful or genuine.

Here are …

Confidence & Appearance

People who tend to feel overwhelmed in crowded spaces usually display these 8 behaviors, according to a psychologist

When someone avoids malls on weekends or looks anxious at a bustling party, they could be feeling overwhelmed. If someone prefers the quiet corner over the busy center, they might not be shy, but simply trying to cope.

Ah, the human psyche – as layered and intricate as a maze.

However, certain behaviors can signal …

Relationships & Personal Growth

If you grew up playing competitive sports, you probably display these 7 behaviors (says a psychologist)

Growing up playing competitive sports can truly shape you. It’s not just about the medals and trophies but the habits and behaviors that stick with you.

As a psychologist, I’ve noticed distinct patterns in how former athletes navigate life. Their competitive past often translates into unique traits that set them apart.

In this article, I’ll …