Author: Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.
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Do E-books Create Personal Brands?

How effective are e-books as personal branding tools?

Stated another way, If you write an e-book, will your personal brand gain the same respect and visibility that you’d receive from a printed version of your book?

This is a particularly timely question since e-books and e-book readers are more and more in the news. For …

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Does Self-Publishing Make Sense?

Three big questions

One of the biggest decisions business owners interested in building their personal brand and promoting their expertise involves choosing between self-publishing and trade publishing.

During the past few years, technology has made it easier than ever to self-publish your own book, and the number of self-published books continues to grow.

But, is …

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4 steps to Writing a Brand-Building Book

There’s more to writing a brand-building book than just writing!

There are 4 steps involved in a successful publishing project, one that builds your personal brand and enhances your “expert” status within your target market. Many authors concentrate entirely upon  “writing” and, unfortunately, suffer the consequences.

Here’s a brief overview of what’s involved at each …

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6 Time Saving Ways to Write a Brand Building Book

The benefits of writing a book to build your brand by promoting your career and your expertise are well known.

Books like Mitchell Levy’s anthology of author case studies, 42 Rules for Driving Success with Books, and the Wellesley Hill Group’s Business Book Series, an exhaustively-detailed 2-part research report, document the benefits of writing a …

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6 Questions Your Book Proposal Must Answer

The first step in writing a book to build your personal brand–after researching the topic, of course–is to prepare a book proposal that will convince literary agents and publishers of the commercial feasibility of your book.

Proposal as sales tool

To succeed, you have to view your book proposal as an advertisement, or direct-marketing sales  …

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How Many Pages are Needed for a Brand Building Book?

Are you overestimating the number of pages needed to write a book that successfully builds your personal brand? Many business owners and career-oriented employees who want to write a brand-building book think “too big,” “too comprehensive, and “too many pages.”

Too many brand-oriented individuals think in terms of their college textbooks, comprehensive compilations of every …