Author: Kasindra Maharaj

Kasindra Maharaj is the Founder and Chief Momentum Officer at KM Career Insights – a boutique establishment providing workshops and coaching services to early and mid-career professionals. With her diverse upbringing and progressive perspectives, she believes in offering fair opportunities for all. And, in her former “lives”, Kasindra was a consumer insights expert, a data miner, and an educator. You can reach Kasindra via www.LinkedIn/IN/KasindraMaharaj, X: @KasindraMaharaj, or her website at
A Goal-Getter’s Toolkit To Sustain Momentum
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Achieve More: A Goal-Getter’s Toolkit To Sustain Momentum – Part III

This article concludes a three-part series that offers you techniques to help you achieve more.

To recap,

The first part covered the significance of prioritizing sleep, following a balanced diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, and cultivating hobbies and interests. In the second part, we explored nurturing fruitful relationships and setting healthy boundaries.

Here, we look …

A Goal-Getter’s Toolkit To Sustain Momentum
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Achieve More: A Goal-Getter’s Toolkit To Sustain Momentum – Part II

We humans are multidimensional. And it takes multifaceted skills to thrive.

My first post on building and sustaining momentum covered foundational aspects for you to incorporate: quality sleep, a healthy diet, regular exercise, managing stress, and cultivating hobbies and interests.

Here, we examine two more keys to flourishing – having the right people in your …