Author: Eliza Hartley

Eliza Hartley, a London-based writer, is passionate about helping others discover the power of self-improvement. Her approach combines everyday wisdom with practical strategies, shaped by her own journey overcoming personal challenges. Eliza's articles resonate with those seeking to navigate life's complexities with grace and strength.
Confidence & AppearanceDating

Men who get uncomfortable with physical affection usually had these 9 experiences growing up

Physical affection can be a source of comfort, but for some men, it’s anything but.

Men who feel uncomfortable with physical touch often share certain experiences from childhood that shaped their boundaries and responses to affection.

From a lack of nurturing interactions to specific family dynamics, these experiences often play a significant role in adult …

Confidence & Appearance

8 subtle signs of very low self-belief in a woman, according to psychology

There’s a world of difference between being humble and doubting your own worth.

This distinction often boils down to self-belief. A woman who’s simply modest knows her value but chooses not to flaunt it. Meanwhile, a woman with low self-belief struggles to see her own worth, even if it’s glaringly obvious to others.

Psychology tells …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Classy people who always leave a lasting impression usually display these 8 behaviors

There’s an unmistakable charm about people who always leave a lasting impression. They’re the ones who carry themselves with an air of class, truly standing out from the crowd.

The secret doesn’t lie in their wealth or looks. Instead, it’s all about their behavior.

Classy people have a certain way of doing things that makes …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Women who feel isolated after retiring often make these 7 small mistakes

Retirement: It’s this golden era we’ve all been working towards, right?

It’s supposed to be a grand chapter of relaxation, freedom, and finally diving into those passions you’ve shelved for years.

But for many women, retirement doesn’t unfold as the joyride it’s supposed to be.

Instead, it morphs into an unexpected season of isolation.

The …

Relationships & Personal Growth

8 qualities of women who prefer being stay-at-home mothers, according to psychology

Being a stay-at-home mother — a role often misunderstood and taken for granted.

Some say it’s an easy choice, filled with playdates and snacks.

But the truth is, this job is full of challenges and deep rewards.

Picture this: soothing a crying baby, settling sibling fights, and tackling endless chores, all while nurturing young minds …