Author: Stephanie Jones

Digital Journalism Transformation

Digital transformation reshapes journalism and PR

With the rapid advance of the digital age, journalism and public relations (PR) fields are experiencing an unmatched transformation. The change can be seen in the production, delivery, and consumption of news as traditional methods adapt to modern technologies.

Digital platforms and social media offer real-time, interactive communication, breaking away from the linear control characteristic …

Design Advancements

Simplicity through design: Advancements in public relations

In the realm of public relations, a well-known mantra “keep it simple, stupid” (KISS) is cardinal. It brings the focus towards utmost clarity and simplicity, particularly when handling intricate subjects. Achieving simplicity is an art, as it necessitates effective communication strategies, such as the eradication of jargon, utilization of layman’s terms and breaking down information …

"Sustainability Coalition"

Finn Partners joins global sustainability coalition for hospitality industry

Leading public relations agency, FINN Partners has become a member of a coalition dedicated to resolving environmental, social, and regional issues across the globe. The collective, which already comprises nearly 50 entities, seeks to impact global sustainability practices within the hospitality industry. As an active participant, FINN Partners is engaged in the establishment of new …

Union Strikes

Samsung union strikes, companies go green

In the realm of public affairs, we are seeing notable events ranging from the innovative marketing tactics of Sherwin-Williams to an unprecedented strike by Samsung’s trade union. With a growing focus on sustainability, companies like Starbucks and McDonald’s are vowing to reduce plastic usage and implement eco-friendly policies.

The healthcare sector is dealing with significant …

"Favored Color Highlight"

Sherwin-Williams highlights least favored color

Sherwin-Williams, the renowned paint company, has ignited a peculiar campaign spotlighting its ‘least popular’ color. This promotional activity, at once innovative and mystifying, has the entire industry on the edge, asking questions about its objectives and potential impact.

In the world of branding, we’re seeing the rise of Generation Z as powerful change-makers. As their …

"AI-Based Search"

Google unveils AI-based personalized search experience

It’s official! Google has revealed their newest artificial intelligence innovation – the Google Search Generative Experience (SGE). Launched on May 24th, 2024, this advancement leverages improved machine learning to offer personalized search results that will not only enhance our browsing experience but also deliver valuable advantages for businesses and content creators.

The SGE is a …