Author: Stephanie Jones

Relationships & Personal Growth

Building an Inclusive Brand: Insights and Examples from Eyewear Retailer Eyebuydirect

Beyond simply offering products and services, businesses and entrepreneurs must consider their brand’s core values. By doing so, they can better connect to their audiences and build meaningful relationships for lifetime value.

Among the values brands can champion is inclusivity, which is not a mere buzzword but reflects a commitment to support equal opportunities and …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

The Impact of Color and Typography in Web Design on Branding

It’s not by chance that certain websites just feel right from the moment you land on the homepage. Everything clicks, and you instantly get a sense of what that brand is all about. This is the result of well-chosen color and typography. These elements go beyond decoration; they’re the unsung heroes of your brand’s identity. …

Building Brand Advocacy How to Foster Strong Relationships with VoC
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Building Brand Advocacy: How to Foster Strong Relationships with VoC

Did you know that 75% of B2B buyers research at least three advocacy sources before purchasing? As Gartner’s research shows, endorsements play a vital part in consumer decision-making. Brand influence is mainly governed by the supporters: the customers and the employees, the partners and the fans. In this article, we consider brand advocacy and how …

Dress for Success How to Choose the Perfect Glasses for a Leader
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Dress for Success: How to Choose the Perfect Glasses for a Leader

The way you dress is fundamental to how people perceive you. People may have varied tastes, cultural backgrounds, and reactions to colors, but countless studies have surmised how much someone’s aesthetic impacts first impressions. How you dress is often taken as a cue for your status and ability. Because of this, those vying for or …

Building Your Brand as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Building Your Brand as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer

Today, your professional identity and your personal brand are practically the same thing. If you’re looking to move up in your career, embracing personal branding is a must. This is especially true for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM developer. Here, having a strong personal brand isn’t just a mere bonus—it’s absolutely critical.  In this competitive field, …

Privacy Balance

Yahoo balances user privacy with personalized ads

Yahoo, the digital giant behind brands like AOL, uses technology such as cookies to provide personalized ad experiences and improve user engagement. Through its diverse portfolio of applications, Yahoo creates an ad space chock-full of growth opportunities for businesses.

Yahoo’s technologies offer a host of benefits, like identifying users, enhancing security, and reducing spam. These …

"SEO Adaptation"

Adapting SEO strategies for evolving search industry

It’s unarguable that the search industry has been through significant trials. The challenges ranged from overburdened work schedules and erratic market trends to a whirlwind introduction of technological advancements. Despite these difficulties, the industry has managed to leverage adversity as a catalyst for innovative growth and evolution.

Throughout these shifting sands of the industry, one …