Say “No” But Don’t Take “No”
Be able to say “no,” but don’t take “no” for the answer. First, understand that “no” is the standard answer or response from peers, bosses, and subordinates to test or challenge you, sometimes out of laziness, sometimes for reasons of budget and time.
“No” is a complete sentence, but it isn’t a complete answer. Don’t …

What is a Work Game-face?
You don’t need a wide smile, a snapshot pose, a big ‘ole rubber beam, or a wolfish grin. Rather, you need just a slightly open mouth with a friendly upturn of the lips—a small smile. The demeanor I’m promoting is an undaunted, comfortable-in-your-skin, shiny business game face. Consider the following:
A shiny face from your…
A Little History of Communication Platforms
With a myriad of audio, video, and digital communication platforms we have today to immediately disseminate more information than ever in history it’s kind of interesting to look back how man achieved the same desire to share information….
During an excavation of a medieval road near the Kremlin in Moscow, Russian archaeologists recently unearthed a …

Similarities In Our Differences
Today’s workforce is made up of mixed generations from boomers to millenials and from a multitude of demographics. Despite the differences we are more similar than dissimilar.
I’m an avid cook and was wondering about a new use of a package of wonton wrappers that I had left over after making dim sum. In …

How to Handle When Headhunters Call
First, you want to check if they are retainer or contingency. You want to work with retainer only.
Next, tell them you will call them back.
Do call them back when you are at a comfortable place to talk to them. Let them tell you enough about the job so you can be sure it’s …

What Keeps Your Good People
Companies have long recognized the importance of smart employee recruiting. Now they are discovering that it’s just as important to spend their time on retention. This may involve financial factors, of course. AON Consulting studied 1,140 high-tech workers and found that 56 percent would stay at their current job longer if offered a similar job …

Job Termination Turnaround Success
Whether it’s “your fault” or not, being let go is a traumatic experience. It invariably produces emotions ranging from disbelief and rage to guilt, shame, and depression. It generally creates financial stress, which can lead to serious anxiety and conflicts within families. And the sense of uncertainty and loss of control that goes with being …

Job Security or Job Insecurity?
Unfortunately, as much as we’d like to think that our careers are entirely in our hands, there are many factors over which we have no control. Keeping your current job may be one of them.
Of course, there are things you can do to increase your job security. Working hard, continually learning, and taking responsibility …

Self-Reflection Helps Your Personal Brand
A business friend of mine – Garret – once played a mischievous trick on his employees. He pulled out their resumes from his file and made a few changes to them. He altered the employees’ names, the names of the companies they’d worked for, and other details that would identify each employee. At the next …

4-Step Secret to Success from Top CEOs
In my executive coaching of 30+ years I’ve worked with over a thousand chief executives from eighteen different countries and in every industry. Once a week someone is asks my take on the secret to success in business. I can answer with four points.
2.Ask questions
3.Make decisions
4.Take blame
Smile because you …