4 Simple Ways to Project Authority
“Power” [noun] (1) The ability to do something or act in a certain way (2) The ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
Power has a bad rep in the workplace. Too many terrible managers have made too many people associate authority with arrogance and autocracy. But, as …

4 Career Failings You Should Forgive Yourself For
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”
Alexander Pope’s famous quote touches upon an unfortunate quirk of human nature. We all make mistakes, but we also all struggle to forgive them. Moreover, our harshest condemnation is often reserved for the person most needful of our forgiveness: ourselves.
Time for a rethink.
Within the workplace, there …

The Secret to Maintaining Week-Long Productivity
Our job is important. It’s how most of us put food in our belly and Louboutins on our feet. It’s where we spend one-third of our entire lives. It’s even where one in five of us will meet the person we marry.
Yet too many of us arrive stressed on Monday and leave exhausted by …

Why You Should Avoid Overtime
Imagine this; your boss calls a company meeting to tell you that next year, you won’t be paid until mid-February. Most people would be outraged. Yet this is the amount of unpaid overtime the average UK employee works each year, according to the TUC. Not only do Brits work longer hours than any other country …