Author: Beth Kuhel

Beth Kuhel, M.B.A., C.E.I.P., Executive Leadership and Career transition coach, writes about leadership strategies, career advancement and improving the workplace for Forbes, Huffington Post, Personal Branding blog and has been featured in Business Insider, Entrepreneur magazine, Tiny Pulse, U.S. News & World Report. Beth’s weekly career CJN career column was sponsored by Weatherhead School of Management.
Relationships & Personal Growth

Overcome Worker Displacement: Adapt to an Automated Workplace

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.

– Elbert Hubbard, author, publisher, philosopher, artist

Though digital innovations are opening up new frontiers for employment, experts warn that not everyone will benefit equally. People in every industry are increasingly concerned about the possibility …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Six critical traits show your entrepreneurial potential

The most successful entrepreneurs aren’t narcissistic. They acquire lasting and loyal followers because they invest energy in understanding their customers needs and wants. They’re also aware of the many other factors that influence a person’s decision making, from their job security to their confidence in the economy.  These highly effective leaders have a keen attunement …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Become an Effective Problem Solver: Learn to Listen Better

The art of being a good listener can make you more likable and effective in the workplace. Too often people think that leadership and confidence are tied to directing conversations and taking command. Research on effective leaders shows the opposite is true. Great leaders are empathetic towards others and display finesse in harnessing others’ strengths. …