Author: Amna Faryad

AI Strategies

AI Enhances PR Strategies Across Africa

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing public relations (PR) across Africa, spurring innovative ideas and enhancing existing methodologies. From data analysis to content creation, AI is helping to streamline PR duties, amplifying efficiency and productivity. This vastly improves communication processes and unlocks the power to create precisely targeted campaigns.

Beyond just enhancing performance, AI also supports …

Reshape Empowerment

Women Reshape PR Industry, Foster Empowerment

Women are progressively breaking through barriers in the PR sector, reshaping industry standards and introducing innovative strategies. With a unique ability to blend varying viewpoints into a cohesive entity, women’s perspectives and abilities are proving crucial in the decision-making process and overall team dynamics.

Highlighting the importance of empowerment, inclusivity, and the unique skills each …

"Biotech Executive Insight"

Maximizing Non-Equity Funding: Insight from Biotech Executive

Startups often miss non-equity funding sources in their search for external financing. Experienced biotech executive, Richard Giersch, offers advice on tapping into small business grants. His insight could revolutionize the way startups approach funding.

Giersch has successfully secured over $25 million in SBIR/STTR (Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer) grants. He stands by the …

Mischief NHL Partnership

NHL Partners with Mischief to Boost European Presence

The National Hockey League (NHL) has formed a strategic partnership with Europe-based creative communications agency, Mischief. This alliance aims to expand the ice hockey league’s influence in Europe through joint marketing campaigns and special events.

Fans can anticipate live-streamed NHL games, and possibly, matches on European soil. The collaboration with Mischief seeks to boost NHL’s …

Strategic Wealth Accumulation

Wealth Accumulation through Strategic Financial Education

Accumulating wealth often comes down to well-thought-out financial decisions, such as investing in personal financial education. This method not only improves financial understanding, but also boosts budget decision-making skills. Exploring various investment options can lead to substantial future gains while setting achievable financial goals can steer a steady course towards wealth increase over time.

Scott …