Social Networking Is Often Not Understood
Disclaimer: Social networking is not a substitute for attending social events, talking with others on the phone, or having lunch with someone.
To me there is no question of the growing importance of social networking for people in transition who are looking for their next career stop. However, for many middle-aged people, social networking may …

Inefficiency Hinders Your Job Search
Most if not all job seekers reach at some point a heightened level of frustration with their job search process. It’s easy to understand, and it might be justifiable to blame the complex and convoluted job search process. It’s difficult to improve efficient and speed up the process. Loosely explained, efficiency is output over input …

Cultural Fit: What Is It All About?
Many articles point to the fact that the job interview is really all about the so-called cultural fit of the candidate, provided the skill and experience requirements are met as well of course. The thing is that in addition to the hiring manager, several other company members, too, are interviewing candidates to add their own …

Best Interview Tips
Congratulations! You and just a few others have been selected from among many, many applicants to be called in for the second part of a selection process known as the interview. The process is tortuous because all of those selected are outstanding applicants who, potentially, could do the job well. So, what should you do …

10 Best Job Search Tips
The word best in the title should be interpreted as a recommendation. Please also keep in mind that job search by someone who is employed differs significantly from job search by someone who is unemployed. The latter is, typically, more motivated, the person can devote more time to it, and the unemployed job seeker’s actions …
Applying for Jobs Is Ineffective
Many people are looking desperately for suitable jobs, but ask yourself whether you’re just working hard at it or smart at it. Many get so disappointed by the entire process that they give up entirely. Please don’t! Via this article, I want to revive your interest by attempting to logically explain the job search process …
Stuck in Your Career?
Next step in your career
Many of my clients say they feel suffocated in their careers. For whatever reason, they do not like the profession they have chosen for themselves: they feel they’re poorly fit for their careers, and they dislike everything associated with their jobs, their companies, and their bosses. So, the question is, …
Networking Is Art and Science Combined
Networking has two purposes: (1) to get you your next job, and if that’s not right now, (2) to prepare for when you need to. Networking is the most effective way to secure a job nowadays. Gerry Crispin of CareerXroads—human resources consultant to the largest companies in America—says that if you network your way into …
The Interview: Why Wasn’t I Chosen!
From the interviewer’s vantage point, the selection process is about availability and choices. That principle applies to many things the rest of us do, too, throughout the day. For instance, isn’t it interesting that when a group of people dine together in a restaurant, some of them make their menu decisions within a few seconds, …
Your Brand: Do You Know What It Is?
If you’re in transition and want to be found among the many people looking for work, you must stand out. How can you increase your chances of being called in for an interview if you cannot be picked out from the crowd? The answer is in your brand. Why do people ask for a Coke …