A Cup of Coffee to the Stars

I had the good luck (or was it fate?) of touching base with Debra Silverman, well known among celebrities and corporate gurus for her unique psychological-spiritual model for self help.

With clinical psychology degrees and advanced mental health credentials from Antioch, Harvard and York Universities, Debra has blended psychology, metaphysical disciplines, and astrology to become a one-of-a-kind expert in her field.

Debra often performs readings for celebrity clients, including Madonna and Deepak Chopra–she even toured with Sting as his personal astrologer/psychotherapist during The Police reunion tour.

But why should you care?

Because 90% of her clientele are business people, just like you and me.

Debra explained, “I think business is going through a major economic correction. People involved in business are being called on to wake up and be more conscious. And one way to find a conscious path is to gain more insight to your own purpose and to the reason you are here. Plenty of personal development experts and motivational speakers have given voice to the concept of purpose and meaning… and yet I still work with so many people who struggle with who they are. I want people to love who they are and discover that they can change their direction without changing their essence.”

I asked Debra to expand on that, and our conversation flourished from there. Here it is for you to check out:

Wendy: Why would a businessperson come to an astrologer?

Debra: For the first time business is asking the question,” how do we make a difference on this planet?” And I can give them timing and perspective that shows up in the patterns of the planets. That’s what Astrology is – a system. It’s the planets revolving around each other in a very consistent pattern. And we do the same thing, with business structures and family structures – it’s our system. And the patterns get repeated and recycled like broken records. If your father neglected his kids… or as a boss you tend to micromanage and judge all the time so it will repeat itself… But not anymore. That’s what is exciting about what is going on in business right now. The patterns are getting broken and for the first time there is consciousness in the conversation.

Wendy: And how do our personal and business lives factor into that consciousness?

Debra: People tend to separate their business personality from their personality off the job… So one of my biggest goals with a business client is to show them how to complement their personal life with their business life and not to separate them.

I really encourage people to consider their family dynamics as a “business” as well as their business as “family” and try to blend the two. I work with the businessperson’s nature, and get him/her to understand their sensibility. And it’s equally important to have him/her look at the people they work with…The people in our lives are drawn to us for a reason and there are some people you can’t get rid of. And the goal is to figure out how to find harmony and compassion.

Wendy: Do you attribute the corporate majority of your clientele to today’s uncertain times, economic climate and/or lack of job security?

Debra: Of course, some of the clientele are being driven to look at new choices in their lives due to economic conditions and want direction and support. But what most people are looking for is wisdom and that is why they come to me. The Aquarian Age is the Age of Wisdom.

And it’s a very different conversation that we are having. This has never been in business before. When did our parents’ businesses go and seek mentors? They were all on their own… So we are in this unprecedented time. And we look with respect at those companies that are actually incorporating consciousness into their business culture. And they are in the minority, so the people who come to see me are the front edge leaders. They are the people who are open enough to consider this radical thing called Astrology.

Wendy: What’s changed for people in the corporate world over your 34 years of practicing?

Debra: I would say that people are people and the fears and struggles we have today do not differ radically from my earlier years. There are core issues that are constant: Relationships, Money, Health and Dreams. And that stays the same. The difference I see now is that people are a lot more fearful. Fear has crept into the collective unconscious as a result of our economy and much of my work is to help people realize that this time isn’t that much different than any other time, it just has a far louder voice because of our media and online system. We all echo fear whereas before it just lived in a village.

So when a person with a business issue comes to me for a session, I can usually pull back the curtain and see what is really going on. That’s the gift of Astrology. I get to look at the blueprint that someone was born with. The birth chart is a blueprint. And even people who don’t believe in Astrology are surprised at how easily I can see through what they say … to what is true. I blow people’s cover-up all the time. And when a client realizes that I can see them for who they truly are, we can really get to their core question or issue quickly.

Wendy: What are the most common traits you see in successful business people?

Debra: The individual traits of success can be traced in a birth chart and they show up in a combination of planetary influences. I could not limit the discussion of successful traits to only a few. They are wide and varied. But I think the one consistent pattern is passion. When someone loves what they do and believes in it, they will create success.

Wendy: What is the most common misconception that the straight-edged corporate world has about what you do?

Debra: It’s unfortunate, but the conservative way of looking at astrology is limited to one’s abstract view of a daily horoscope. And a horoscope is like a single pixel in the picture of someone’s blueprint. It’s like trying to read the title of a book if you only have one letter. To bring astrology to the conservative business mind, I have reshaped the language. By using the language of the mind, the ego, and the observer, I hope to open conservative thinkers to the body of information available in Astrology.

Wendy: How do you describe your personal brand?

Debra: My brand is my personal spin on Astrology and Psychology. I have taken a very complex and difficult language, Astrology, and reduced it to the basics, using the four elements: water, air, earth and fire. Then I have blended in Psychology to provide the understanding of how the mind works… This has created a unique approach to Astrology that goes way beyond horoscopes and “zodiac-ese.”

You can learn more about Debra – and see a schedule of her upcoming events and media appearances – at http://www.debrasilvermanastrology.com/.

Picture of Wendy Brache

Wendy Brache

Wendy Brache builds and executes personal branding and online marketing strategy for executives and corporations in the high-tech sector. She is the author of Sales Force Branding: Differentiate from the Competition, and co-creator of the Sales Force Branding program. Wendy is a senior consultant specializing in B2B Corporate Social Media, Demand Generation and Marketing Automation, and is also a featured marketing technology speaker and columnist on renowned websites, such as Maria Shriver’s Women’s Conference, Chopra’s Intent.com and Denver’s GreatIdeasForKids.com.


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