Personal Brands: I Heart You

In case no one else had time to tell you on Sunday, I love you. That’s it. That’s the whole message. Can you imagine if you felt loved everyday when you go to work? Think of what it would be like to know that pretty much EVERYONE loved you? That your clients loved you? That your vendors loved you? That your boss or investors loved you?

Can you imagine if you didn’t have to be paranoid about the double talk, the stalls, the lies, the back-stabbing, the infighting, the turf wars and the rest of life’s ridiculous, draining and energy-robbing moments?

I am pretty much lucky at work. People who are excited, passionate, good at what they do and strive to do more seem to gravitate my way. I outright love some of my clients. I had an author fly in to Palm Desert, California from icy cold Massachusetts last week. I drove two hours to have dinner with him and his wife. I don’t think we solved world conflict or did more than talk about our families.  Every moment was a joy. A hug fest.

I had another author fly in from Ohio to the TED conference last week. I drove more than an hour in rush hour traffic to meet him in Long Beach for dinner. He was filled with interesting news about the conference and excited about his upcoming speeches.  It was joyful noise at our table. Another hug and kiss exchanged with real affection and respect.

And, I had a great Valentine’s evening with five close friends at a very delicious and perhaps the most expensive restaurant I’d ever been in. One gal offered to pay half of the whole bill just to make it easier on the rest of us. But no one accepted, and everyone chipped in.

Just one day

I wish these were all the moments of my day and night. I wish they were for you, too, They aren’t. We’re lucky if half the time we feel what we do is respected, much less cherished. A lot of the time, and I don’t know why, there’s a crushing amount of insult and injury being slung, almost incomprehensively harsh ill will in business.

Here’s what I do understand. I have settled on part of my personal brand being “encouraging of others,” despite the maddening crowds. I let my feelings border on love some of the time. I know it’s a risk to have faith in others if you’re in business or just in life. Mother Teresa says to realize the worst can happen but love, befriend, and extend yourself anyway.

Ask yourself if your personal brand could stand some humanizing. Is it appropriate for you to add kindness and generosity to your ambition?

Who should you say: “I heart you,” today?

Picture of Nance Rosen

Nance Rosen

Nance Rosen is the author of Speak Up! & Succeed. She speaks to business audiences around the world and is a resource for press, including print, broadcast and online journalists and bloggers covering social media and careers.


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